
Should i get another cockatiel?

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I have a 5 year old female cockatiel that has a little aggression and loves to be with me. I am the only one in my family whom she loves to bits whereas other family members she tends to threaten to bite them. i would like another cockatiel but my mom does not want another cuz she finds my current bird messy. btw im 18 and am fully able to taker care of a second bird. Would getting a second bird be a wise choice?




  1. no, not really. if you get a second one, the current bird would be more attached to the new ine than you. and if you get a boy, then they might mate, and that will be a bigger problem if you don't know how to take care of baby birds. and the birds would be more attatched to the babies and each other. and, do you have enough time in your day to take care of them both? in other words, play with them while theyre out of the cage?

    if your bird is having problems with the other people in the family, let her get used to them being around YOU. shes only threatening to bite them because she wants you all to herself. she doesnt want to share you. (that sounds wierd...) and then, let the other members of the family talk to her alot.

    you can get some seed guards at the local pet store. not petco or petsmart, ect. the ones that arent branded. (they usually sell the cats and dogs and parrots and rabbits IN the store) seed guards stick out on the bottom of the cage so that the seed wont fall on the floor. they'll catch the falling seeds.

    if i helped, then glad i could help...

  2. I think you should wait...two birds don't make a right. ha ha ha...two birds are messier,also your 18, you have college to look forward to, and a new start to your life...she sounds jealous of you...but some birds, like certain people more than others, our birds like me more than my other family members...its luck and the fact that I am the one the gives treats, and spend more time with them...

  3. if it is so your bird can have a friend then no. Putting them in same cage as soon as the new one comes home will probably end up with your old bird pecking the c**p out of the new one. A scond bird will pick up from old bird and will most likey bond more with the first bird then you. If you do get one keep them apart and away from each other for a whole month and get both birds checked to make sure one bird does not get the other one sick. After the month is up you can put the cages close together put far enough so the two birds can stick their becks out and peck at each other. When introdusing them you should not force them together. You should pretty much let them out let them sit about two feet away then superfize them. If they start hissing, or fighting take them away. The two birds may or may not like each other. Sometimes they get very bonded and sometimes they are just enemies. If you have a male do not get a second one. Two males will fight and a male and female will breed. If you have a female get a second female.

    It is just easier to keep one bird. Trust me I have a cockatiel and lovebird and they lovebird doesn't even care for me and loves the cockatiel but the cockatiel hates the lovebird.

    Either way good luck =)

  4. If you get another cockatiel, chances are very high that either they will bond to each other and no longer want anything to do with you, or one bird will remain bonded to you while the other wants nothing to do with you--forming a sort of 'love triangle' in which the bird who doesn't want to be with you becomes frustrated and jealous that its companion is focusing its attention on you and not it. This is what happened when I got my second 'tiel: my first bird, which I had had for years and used to always be friendly and sociable, became jealous that the new bird was giving me all of her attention. He no longer wanted anything to do with me; he'd scream bloody murder every time I showed my face in the room, and wouldn't stop until I left. I had to resort to taking him out of the cage with a glove or a perch because he wouldn't step onto my hand anymore without trying to chew a hole through it first.

    I have heard of a few occasions in which people have kept pairs and both 'tiels remained bonded to them, but this does not happen very frequently. If you like having a bird that actually wants to be around you, getting another would not be a wise choice, because chances are high that you will either end up with one very unhappy bird, or an unhappy owner whose birds want nothing to do with them.

  5. Hello.

    If I were you, I would get a male for her . If you are 18 years old and capable of taking care of yourself and the bird ...then why not ? This time , get a hand fed one . If you don't know where to find a breeder near you, please go to and find a cockateil 's breeder near you . Good luck ! TM.

  6. If you have had your bird for 5 years,then you are it's companion and friend if you get another this will cause problems she may become more aggressive to you.

    Unless you want to breed them I would not upset the apple cart.

    Just give her a little more attention.

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