
Should i get another dog for my 5 month old beagle?

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ok so i have this 5 month old beagle and she is already house trained and fixed and everything. shes a good dog but has an unnatural addiction to everyone in the house.whenever we leave to go somewhere she starts screaming at the top of her lungs. now you would think she stops screaming after awhile right? wrong. my neighbor told me she is still screaming like 20 minutes after we are gone. now thats just sad. now i thought about it and since she is already fully trained should i get another puppy to keep her company while we are gone and to keep her active too ( i hear small house dogs have weight problems sometimes.) and if so whats a good friendly dog for her.




  1. YES DEFINATELY!!!! she needs companionship

  2. Poor thing, she sounds like she has separation anxiety. Getting another dog may or may not help. They are other things you can do, make sure she has plenty of toys and chewy treats to work on while your gone so that she's not bored. Maybe try giving her a special treat when you leave, like put fat free peanut butter inside a kong or something that will get her attention. Read the info from the links below, I hope they help with your puppy.  

  3. Yeah, that would be good. Animals get lonely that's why sometimes they want you to buy 2( or they want the money ) But, I think that would be good in a way. Let's hope they don't scream together.

  4. No! Your dog needs you and only you right now to train her and be her companion. When she hits 11 or 12 months she will start the teenage times and be backtracking her training and not listening. Wait until your dog is 1.5- 2 years when she is clear on training and mature before you add another dog. Otherwise your just going to end up with twice the trouble. When I crate trained a foster dog it barked for over an hour straight at first before it calmed down. Just have to be consistant and let them learn to be alone. Otherwise you are reinforcing the fact that she can't handle separation and the anxiety will only grow.

  5. I agree with Erica that you should give her plenty of toys and such so she's not bored. I also agree with whoever said to walk her before you leave so she has less energy. I've also seen a technique work that was more like desensitizing. Here's how it goes...

    1. start doing the leaving routine, shoes, keys, jackets, whatever. but don't leave. do this several times a day.

    2. do the routine, then walk outside and turn around and come right back. do this several times a day

    3. do both of these over and over on a day where you don't need to leave at all.

    4. do the routine and leave for 5 minutes, mix up steps 1.2.and 4. over a couple days.

    5. leave as you normally would making sure she's been walked and is tired and has plenty to do while you're gone.

    This technique helps her to understand that NO MATTER WHAT, you will come back. If you decide to get another dog, which I don't think you should, you have to be VERY VERY careful what tempermant of dog you get or you could end up with double trouble. Who knows, maybe the next dog will pick up on her anxiety and turn out to be the kind of dog that tears the house up instead of crying.

    Good luck, I know there was a really good episode of "it's me or the dog" on animal planet that dealt with the issue.

  6. well i would say get the other dog if you have the budget and room. my advice, before you leave, walk her around the block a couple times everyday to get that energy outa her. it should help.  

  7. Your beagle has separation anxiety. Most of all beagle's are pack dogs and like to be around other dogs and/or people. If you can afford another dog to feed and care for then by all means get another one. If you do then get another beagle as beagles do great in pairs. Plus if you're worried about her being over weight the 2 dogs will play together which will help besides you walking them. My beagle had separation anxiety and cried when we left the house too. To solve that problem because we had another dog in the house (our English Springer Spaniel) we took the beagles crate and placed it from the bedroom into the kitchen where he could see the other dog. Problem solved.  

  8. I have a beagle and when he was that age having another dog really helped

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