
Should i get another parakeet and is my cage big enough to keep 2 of them comfortably?

by  |  earlier

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i bought a parakeet about 2 1/2 months ago, hes doing pretty good, he is eating a drinking and he goes on my finger but I'm not there with him too often and i red that after they get used to you then you should get another bird for them to have a friend all the time. My cage sizes are: 13in. wide, 18in. tall, 15in, long. Is it big enough to keep 2 parakeets in, at least for about a month before i buy a bigger one, and i have a male bird, what gender bird should i get? Thanks




  1. You dont need to get another bird. The one you have is tame if hes sitting on your finger. Theres a good chance that he might not do that once there is another bird for him to keep company with. Play a low radio for him if you think he's bored. Buy a few new toys and change them frequently. They love wooded chew toys. Your cage would definately be too small for 2 birds.

  2. Try getting a female bird. Male birds get a little aggressive with each other. 2 parakeets would be fine in that cage. Just wait till you have enough money to get a bigger cage.

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