
Should i get help ( i harm myself ? )

by  |  earlier

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i sometimes cry and grab knifes and just start plucking not hard but slowy at my arm and i want to stop what to do ?




  1. Yes get help.

    I know it's easier for me to say than it is to get help but if you can, then yes I think you should.

  2. Disregard above answers, sometimes people are @ssholes. Get help, talk with a doctor or counselor. what your doing is common, help is available.

  3. Yes, you should get help.  This is definitely a medical condition that can be treated.  You are worth very much in life, so please don't hurt yourself.  Get the treatment you need so you get better.  

  4. I'd say that by getting on YA and asking you probably don't do it at all, but on the slight chance that you're looking for more attention I'd say seek help through a shrink.

  5. you need help...i say this in the nicest way...try to talk to somebody that your close to and no will listn and not be quick to judge..tell them whats bothering you whether its stress or what ever the problem tell somebody you trust..

  6. Just stop, don't be more complicated than you need to be.

  7. Well stop duhhhh

    Your in control, stop being a looser and make something of yourself

  8. look man you need to enjoy life more you dont focus on the negative be more positive an make the best out of your bad situations dont harm yourself or others

    enjoy life

  9. You do need to seek help from a psychiatrist and a therapist. The treatment for this is both medical and psychological. I imagine you were the victim of sexual abuse at some point in time as this is typical of that type of scenario. This needs to be stopped because it can escalate into much worse things.

  10. You need to seek help for that . You need to find another way to handle depression .. hit a pillow or rip up paper dont hurt yourself peopl ewho use knifes to harm themselves are called bleeders and it is a very serious problems . please seek help  

  11. If you have a best friend or a close relative go talk to me they can help ALOT! try it...good luck

  12. Ignore all the A** Holes who say stupid sh*t. Try talking to a therapist. You could have depression and need meds. I do this too (just with different "tools") and it gets addicting and you start doing it more (well I did) and it's hard to stop so try talking to someone as soon as possible.

  13. Did you post thism for attention or what? Seriously you already know the answer yourself for this.

  14. get help.

    it only gets worse.

  15. You have provided such limited information but enough to enable me to advise you that the answer to your question is definitely YES. You do need help and the sooner you speak to someone who understands your dilemma the better. If you are school age, the school counsellor or school nurse are excellent starting points. Not knowing what your family life is like, it is difficult to suggest you turn to your parents but if at all possible, they or at least one of them, should be aware of what stress you are experiencing. If they are unaware of your self harming, it may come as a surprise to them but they might surprise you as to their ability to help reduce the cause. Your family Doctor is another important point of contact. Have you an adult family member you trust or a parent of a good friend who will listen? You do not have to feel alone - there are many places and people - some highly skilled in this area, who are able to offer good support. They are generally very understanding and can help resolve matters that may be contributing to your self-harming. Remember also, to try to think into the future. Try to think of as many reasons you can, to deter thoughts of self harming. For example, if you were a parent, it may be difficult to explain scars on your arms......What if it was your son or daughter who were doing this to themselves? Do you want scars on your arms when most people love to wear sleeveless tops in the summer months? Think of everythiing you can that might prevent you from wanting reminders of a time when you were not feeling so good about yourself. One day this phase of your life will be behind you. There must be someone out there you trust. You will more than likely be very grateful for the help you receive and may one day be able to pass on your experience and subsequent knowledge and give hope & help to someone else who may need it. Throw away the knives and choose a safer option - the first is confiding in someone who can help you.

  16. GET COUNSELING!  You need to talk to someone about this, whether it is clergy, counselor, dr, etc.  I will be praying for you.

  17. you need to go to see your doctor, and he can give you some medication and some counselling that will help you through this problem. don't leave it too long. you could end up getting worse if you don't look after it now. please take care of yourself, and get it checked.

  18. yeah you should get help asap

  19. dont do it

  20. You need help. I believe you may be a "cutter". It is a high, the pain in your cuts make your emotional pain go away for a short time. There is lots of help! You probably need a counselor and possibly medication, but definitely get an appointment soon! This may be a small thing right now, but you will eventually need to cut harder and deeper to the point where cutting will no longer fill your needs. Please get help.  You deserve to be helped, cutting can be  prevented.  

  21. tell your parents and see what they can do to help or just stop on your own

  22. WHOA!!!!! Um, don't ask yahoo answers, ask a professional, so my answer is yes

  23. I myself am a self harmer. personally, i find it to be an amazing release and i see nothing wrong with it. however if you really want to stop, try wearing a rubber band around your wrist and flick yourself with it whenever you get the urge.

    As for getting professional help, you should get it if you think you need it. only you know how bad it actually is and how dependent you are on it. Do some research on the net. it will help you straighten things out.

    If you want to talk to someone who is in the same position as you, feel free to email me. I would love to talk to you and try to help however I can. Just remember to stay strong and that you are not alone!!

  24. go to the nearest ER and have yourself evaluated.  Hope you get help and start getting better.


  25. Please get help.  I use to do this and was finally diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder.  If you do not have insurance there are behavioral hotlines you can call and find out where you can get a discounted or free counseling.  

  26. Yes. GO GET HELP! Go to a doctor, a therapist, anything! Do NOT hurt yourself! GET HELP!. And all of you with sarcastic "go kill yourself" answers, SHUT UP.

  27. either kill yourself now if u want 2 do what is best for those around u or get help!!!

    good luck!!!

  28. DON'T DO IT. Sometimes to me, I get mad a lot, but at the end of the day I find things to do when I'm stressed out. Like..going outside taking a jog, dance/sing as loud as you can to take all the stress out...BUT DO NOT KILL YOURSELF.  

  29. This happens to me all the time.  But I have bipolar.  Maybe you have something similar?  You need to talk to someone straight away, preferably a doctor.

  30. Sometimes it's difficult to slice your own right arm... I can help if you want!!

  31. Get help. Really. Talk to someone you trust and maybe even go see a therapist. I've had friends who started out that same way, and one ended up committing suicide. Don't. Do. It.

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