
Should i get his name tattooed??

by  |  earlier

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We have 2 years, almost 3 years together ...

he wants both of us to get each other' s name on the wedding ring finger OR to just get it anywhere we like, His name is Blondie and people call me that so i guess if anything happens, i can play it off ...





  1. NO!

    dont even do it if your married.

    you can get in a fight and break up, unless your getting it on your *** where no one can see it then i wouldnt get it :)

  2. eh im not a fan of name tatoo who knows maybe one day i will ...

    you shuld both write it with a sharpie and keep it on for a while and see if you would actually like it..

  3. Let's think about this out loud:  You want to tattoo the name "Blondie" on yourself?  2.6 years is NOTHING.  I got divorced after 11 years.  I'm not degrading the time you've spent together, I'm just would've been a worse divorce if I had his nickname tattooed anywhere on my body, dear.  You already know it's not wise.

  4. If you are willing to make a commitment of having your body branded why not just get married and have your names engraved on the wedding bands. Have his name on yours and your name on his. This way if something happens in the future it wont take surgery to remove him. Just trade rings.

  5. You'd be a stupid prat if you did something like that.......

  6. I wouldn't. what happens if you get divorced? Just remember that it is permanent. You have it for the rest of your life and can't get it undone.  

  7. well in your situation i dont really know the answer cuz personally i dont think its a good idea to get your boyfriends name tattooed on you no matter how long u have been going out. but then again people call you blondie so if you do get it you can always play it off

    i just say follow your heart

  8. NO!!! I am sure that you love him very much but you don't know what will happen in future. It also sounds that you want to do it for him rather than doing it for yourself as well. If you really want to get a tattoo, why not get a symbol or a love heart or something else that symbolises your relationship? If things don't work out the way you hope and you part ways, at least you won't be 'branded' with his name.  

  9. I've been with my husband for 8 years, married 6, and I will never EVER get his name tattooed on me.  I love him, but that's just not gonna happen.  He feels the same way.  We do have matching tattoos (almost, slightly diff coloring) though, of something we both really like.

    I'm one that thinks the only names you should ever have tattooed are your children, family/friends (usu. memorials), or pets.  Never your significant other, unless it's in memory of them.

  10. Well only if your married you can

    if your not well its really bad what if you break up?

    just like that episode of la ink


  11. NO. do not get his name tattooed on you! You hope and think and plan on being together forever. But you never really know for SURE. Don't do it because IF you break up you will regret it

    and getting the word blondie on you would be dumb. Are you blonde? And yes you could most likely play it off but if you break up, you akways have that reminder of him on your body.

  12. I would have to say No.

    I would never get someones name tattooed to my body, even if we were old, and had been married for fifty years.

    Anything can happen. You can never be sure of the future.

    Even if something happens, and you can "play it off" , it doesn't really matter because You know the real reason behind the tattoo.

  13. No you will regret it if yall should ever break up.

  14. you should not tattoo his name on your skin instead just try to get a tattoo that will remind you of him since their is always a possibility of having the relationship not working out.

  15. have you not noticed the stigma behind a 'partners name' tattoo? yuuuuhhhh....because they always break up and are left with a permanent reminder?!?!?! i reckon your jixing yourself mate...GOLDEN RULE; only ever tattoo names of family members,pets or lost ones.

  16. Nope. At least not yet.

    Substitute by getting something that reminds you of him.

  17. I think that if you have doubt's then don't do it...wait until YOU feel like its the right thing to do for yourself.

  18. No. Stupid idea.

  19. It would be really stupid to get someone's name tattooed on your skin.  If he wants you two to do something meaningful, he should ask you to marry him and buy you an engagement ring.  Asking for each of you to get tattoos is kind of childish, and it's like giving you an empty box instead of a gift.  Get his name tattooed on your fingernails, if you want.  Maybe I <3 Blondie <3 would work.  If he breaks up with you over this (not getting a permanent tattoo) then you're better off without such a conrolling person!  And the nail tattoos can be polished over until they grow out.

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