
Should i get married at 19?

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should i get married




  1. No. It's much too young to be married.  Get an education, find your passion, work at that, and, above all, enjoy life, before you settle down to the responsibilities of marriage and, perhaps, family.

  2. NO!

  3. No I don't think you should.  However that's based on how I was at 19.  I was very responsible and mature but I didn't have enough life experience to even know what I wanted in a spouse.  You may be different but I think if you thought you were old enough you wouldn't be asking the question.

    Take care!

  4. only if ur ready for marriage. i got married at age 18. if ur not ready then it'll turn into divorce so once u say those i dos its for better or for worse til death do u part. good luck

  5. do you have someone to marry?

    Have you sat down with a premarital counselor?

    If yes to number 2 has that perosn said yes?

    If yes to all three questions sure why not.

  6. no you should see the world first...but if you already have a baby yes :)

  7. Don't take peoples answers who say no right away because many factors can lead you to getting married and wanting to get married.  Yes, if you have a child than it would be a grand idea but also if you are in love with this person and you feel along with them that you 2 are completely compatible, and feel that you're going to be together till death than it's up to you.  This is a very big deal and something you should seriously consider, think out the pro's and the con's.  Can you see yourself with this person for the rest of your life?  Growing old together?  Having children?  Ask yourself all these.  

  8. i dont think you should be asking other people on yahoo answers, this is a personal choice. i mean i think you need to ask yourself a few questions first, do you really love the person you are marrying? the most important question is, are you happy? or are you doing for someone else?

  9. i wouldnt

  10. Since you are questioning it, No.  

  11. How exciting it must be to have found the person you want to spend the rest of your life with.  I know the feeling and am glad that's something we share.

    That said, there's a lot more to marriage than setting up shop and playing house.  There's some things you just can't handle at 18, 19, 20--physically, emotionally, mentally.  Look at the statistics: most people who get married under 22 are divorced in less than three years.

    If you're so in love at 19, you should be even more in love by the time you're 25.  Wait it out.  There's no reason to rush it.

  12. if you think you could truly

    committe yourself to someone

    and are ready to live as an adult

    then go for it i got married at 18.

  13. DON'T DO IT


  14. If you are asking a yahoo board probably shouldn't. You obviously aren't 100%

  15. If you believe you are truely in love, and it is something you want to do then yes. But I think if you're asking on yahoo if you should get married at 19 you're fairly unsure about that, so I will answer with a no. I don't want to sound horrible, but I think if you need to ask others opinions on whether you should get married or not means you're not ready.

  16. Lisandra, I will be 100% honest with you. I did just that when I was your age and that marriage only lasted for 2 years.  At the time we believed that we were worldly wise and knew better than everyone else how much we were in love etc.  Thoughts of the world were of no importance to us and what we knew of it we thought we were correct.  But fact of life is that we were far to young.  Luckily we did have a son out of this relationship who is 33 years of age today and the proud father of two daughters of his own.  His mother and I are now truly best friends (although it did take some time for this to occur).  We see much of each other at family events and we hug and kiss each other hello/goodbye as do my new wife and her.  We are both aware today that this was a big mistake to marry that young but the fact that we had this wonderful son together allows us to remain as friends and very sociable.  All I can say is personally I believe that 19 is far to young to devote the rest of your life to one person.  Whatever you do decide though I honestly wish you the best of luck.

  17. I'm glad you asked!  No....really you should not.

    You should be in college getting a degree and doing a semester in Europe or Australia.  Have you even considered doinga EuroRail vacation?

    You should learn a new language and see how good you are at managing your money.

    You should see other people making mistakes so you can learn from them.  You should work in a big city and be part of its energy.

    When you are ready to start a family and make them your first priority, then you should get married.

    You can always get married - but if you get married now, you will never do Europe or ever have the feeling of accomplishing anything on your own.

    It's 2008 - we're living into our 90's these days.  In 1908 people used to get married at 19 because they lived onto their 50's.

    For all the reasons above - no...don't get married at 19.

  18. if your truly in love

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