
Should i get my tragus pierced?

by  |  earlier

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if so,

should i get a ring or a barbell through it?

does it hurt more than is to be expected?

does it get infected easily?




  1. You can get a ring or a barbell, whichever you prefer.

    It depends on how much you expect it to hurt,

    alot of people say it hurts most once the needle has gone through, but if you can't go through 5 minutes of pain you don't exactly deserve the piercing, and you're not going to get it an easier way.

    It will nt get infected if you follow the basic and correct aftercare instructions,

    washing/cleaning the piercing out a few times a day is usually whats directed,

    the piercer will explain what you need to do.

    If you do however have infection, take the jewellery out immediatly.

    Good Luck :)

  2. if you want, its your choice.

    it mostly depends on personal preference when it comes to chosing the jewelry.  the barbell is harder to clean, but it heal quicker, while the ring is easier to clean, but takes longer to heal.

    i know some people who think the tragus is the piercing that hurts the most, but personally i don't think it hurt at all, only a little more than my cartilage did.  but again it all comes down to you and what your pain tolerance is like

    if you take care of it, listen to your piercer, and don't touch it, then there isn't going to be much of a problem when it comes to infections, just watch out for keloids.

  3. Ring or barbell depends on your personal preference.  Whatever you like the look of better.

    I'm not sure what's "to be expected," but it doesn't hurt any worse than a shot.  Some people have said they were able to hear the "crunch" of the needle going through the cartilage, which kind of grossed them out, but I didn't hear a thing.

    It doesn't get infected any more easily than any other piercing.  Clean it 2-3 times a day until it's healed and be careful not to get any hair products in it.

  4. definitely! it looks really good. ring or barbell would be completely up to you based on what you think looks better. at first i had a barbell, but the little ball kept coming off so i switched to a ring. it did hurt, but you might have a different pain threshold than i do. one of my ears got infected, even though i did all the after-care to the T. i ended up having to take out my right one because it was still infected a month later. so i don't know whether to tell you it does or doesn't, because my other ear was totally fine

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