
Should i get one?...?

by Guest34513  |  earlier

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I have had my dog for 9 or 10 years and we spend lots of time togehter and shes the only pet so she gets lots of attention. But tonite we are goin to look at a kitten and probbably will get it. How can we make it so she doesnt get jealous of the kitten and.. maybe get depressed? or should we just not get one?




  1. We have 3 dogs, 2 pits and a hound, recently we just acquired a small kitten about , we have had the cat for 2 months now, at first I was leary about bringing the cat out of another room because I was afraid that our dogs would hurt or kill the cat. ,We have been introducing the kitten to the dogs in small intervals, after about 2 weeks, we started doing supervised visits with the kitten loose in the house, well it would seem that all 3 of our dogs now love Felix our kitten. felix is not afraid of the dogs and  walks himself right up to our dogs and tries to nuzzle with them, I was very surprised at this, because none of our dogs have ever been around cats. If you get a cat, do what I did, I kept telling the dogs, to be nice to the "BABY", and everything is okay. Good luck in your decision,

  2. Has your dog ever been around any cats at all?  I would try and take the dog when you go to look at the kitten to see if they will get along.  If you do get the kitten, make sure that you introduce them slowly and make sure they are supervised at all times!  You don't want the kitten to end up getting hurt.  Other than that, I would just make sure to give them both lots of attention and praise.  Maybe give the dog small treats when she is nice to the kitten

  3. get one if u really like it! try not to obsess over the new baby! treat cat and dog equally and spend time cuddling wit dem and let dem adjust to each oder!
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