
Should i get rid of my ouija board?

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so....i just a got a ouija board on doesnt work,cause im 100% christian/prespytartian.. my best friend,like my advice buddy,said i should not play it at all,or play it with her.shes catholic,and i suppose she doesnt belive in that voodoo dad doesnt mind that i play it cuz he thinks its just a game.i mean,everyone is saying its a game,but everyone is ALSO saying that its REAL..this is so weird..and i dont wanna get rid of it this fast,i havnt even touched it since yesterday cuz i had to clean up.but i only opened it on sunday.and havn't opened it can't be real.there must be some kind of magnet under the board that makes it move,cause i dont belive in spirits,cuz if i do,then that would mean i have no religion..




  1. I really don't think it has anything to do with voodoo or even religion. It's only a game and kind of fun and strange. I had one many years ago.

  2. If *anyone* should believe in life after death, it's Christians.

    The Bible is full of stories of people that appear after their death, including one story where a man in h**l is spoken with. There's also many stories of demons in the Bible as well.

    So, your statement that you can't believe in spirits because of your religion doesn't quite work.

    As for 'talking boards'... all that is subject to opinion and debate. My personal belief is that the version marketed by Parker Brothers as Ouija is probably harmless.

    You can read quite a bit on the subject at:

    In the end, I think you should pray on it. If you find you're uncomfortable with the game around, dump it. If you have even the slightest doubt in your mind about it, dump it.

  3. Mindskill and determination will manipulate the world into conforming to your curiosity ,never let ones unwillingness to explore land you ignorant, for fear  .wherever should ones imagination ask questions..therever shall seek answers.knowlege will always be an asset no matter what devil you should become while seeking your appetite to know an open mind is a wonderful beast that god thought perfect to sin with.the after life is real

  4. no the spirits are real i know one. they are just normal people who died in random parts of history. but they do lie alot. i dont blame them they are bored. the spirts are not evil!!!!!

  5. I would get rid of it!

  6. return it or never play it

  7. Just get rid of it.

  8. yes, because though it's just a game it is not the kind of game that christians like you should be playing, unless you want to do an abominable thing in front of your GOD

  9. Well it is not good.  I don't know if they work or not.  When you use them though you are inviting evil spirits.  If they do work, no good will come of them.

  10. Get rid of it. It's just a thing, but it's what you do with it that is bad. Divination is expressly forbidden by God and so it is a sin even to play with 'toys' of divination.

    ...and you wouldn't be contacting the spirits of the dead, because the dead cannot interact with us (look to the story of the rich man and Lazarus), but you would be opening yourself to other unclean spirits (demons, fallen angels, or whatever you want to call them). Such things are very real and masquerade as many things - including 'ghosts'.

  11. You cannot be a Christian and believe in God without believing in spirits, because:

    1) the Bible says God Himself is spirit (John 4:24).

    2) The Holy Spirit is a part of God (Genesis 1:2; Luke 1:35; 3:22; John 14:26; and many more).

    3) We humans are part spirit (1 Thess 5:23).

    Angels and demons are not spirits per se, but are often called such. They do share many traits with spirits, but since they are autonomous beings, and not dependent on other parts of a single being for their existence, they do not fall under the strict definition of spirits.

    There is a popular belief that an Ouija board has some inherent power, or that spirits or demons live inside the actual board or planchette. This is not correct. The Ouija board is simply a board with letters, numbers, a few words, and copyright and/or patent information, and the planchette is a small inert device that has been designed to move easily across the board. There is nothing magic or mysterious about the board or planchette themselves, and the mere presence of such devices will not cause you to be possessed by demons or anything.

    The board's power comes from the calling forth of spirits, or demons. The participant(s) get(s) the attention of these spirits or demons and ask(s) them questions, whereupon the spirits or demons respond by moving the planchette around on the board.

    If you really want to see the full power of the Ouija board, try calling forth the spirits of the board in this way:

    1) Make sure you are strong in your faith, because you will be tested. A new or immature Christian should not try this. You must have complete faith that God has authority over Satan and his minions, and that you have that same authority due to your relationship to God.

    2) Ask God to bless the board and protect you from the demons whom you will call upon.

    3) Using the authority granted you by God to control demons, call upon the spirits of the board and demand they answer you.

    4) Once they have responded, bind them by the Holy Spirit, and force the demons by the authority of the Holy Spirit not to lie to you. Then ask the following question: "Where do you get your power?"

    The answer you get will make you a complete believer. You will never be curious about the Ouija board again, and you will suddenly have an overwhelming desire to destroy it. Enjoy! :-) - LJS

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