
Should i get tested for hep c?

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My dad is infected and every once in awhile i come in contact with his blood. The past few months ive had nausea when i first wake up i get up walk around it goes away. My doctor thinks its just nerves.




  1. Those in the hepatitis community and are advocates are trying to get the majority to be tested yearly. The reason being is because we now know that the earlier a person treats the disease, regardless of genotype, those who test early (while the viron level is low) have a better chance of sustaining the virus.

    Have the doctor run a hepatitis panel- do not rely on a standard liver panel because with hcv alt and ast levels can appear normal and a person can still be infected.

    HCV is spread when the infectious blood enters the bloodstream of another, so if you do not have an open wound, chances of becoming infected are void. Remember: blood to blood.  

    Infected family members are thought to of acquired hcv infection by possibly sharing a razor or toothbrush-

    razors cut and toothbrushes are abrasive. By using those two items after someone who has hcv, the chance of cutting yourself or opening up the gum area in the mouth are about .06%. We call this "household exposure". It is rare, but it does happen.

    good luck!

  2. If you think you may have it, no matter how small the chances are, it DOES pay off to get tested.  In dealing with your health, it truely is better safe than sorry.

    Get tested!

  3. Hep C is blood to blood transmitted.If you have an open wound and touch your dads blood there maybe a very small chance (1%) of contracting it.Generally it is contracted by sharing needles or a blood transfusion before 1986.It can be transmitted sexually but this is also a very low risk.I was diagnosed with Hep C in 1998.I had a blood transfusion in 1984.My husband has been with me since 1984 and has tested negative each time he's tested.He has cleaned up a lot of my blood over the years so I think it's nerves also.By all means get tsted and releive your nerves.

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