
Should i get the TI-83 calculator, or the TI-84?

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If i'm going into Algebra 2, and will use this calculator later on in calculus, etc., which one should I get? And what is the difference? I can't tell. And give me reasons please, thanks!




  1. I don't think it's worth the extra money to get a Ti-84 calculator. Like the previous answer said, the Ti-84 is just a faster version of the Ti83 with more memory. If you're going to spend the extra money to get something better than a Ti-83, I suggest you get a Ti-89. It has amazing features that can solve most math problems you'll encounter in high school math with just the push of a few buttons. I prefer the Ti-83 plus though because if you're not really interested in math the Ti-89 will make you lazy. It's great that it can solve hard math problems with ease but depending on a calculator to do all your work can really bring you down when you get to higher level math classes where they use calculators much less. So while I do think the Ti-89 is an amazing calculator, I stick with my Ti-83 plus because it does everything I need but still leaves some work for me to do so I don't get lazy and forget everything I learn in math.

    Anyways, like I said, the Ti-84 isn't really worth it imo, get a Ti-83 or Ti-89.

    P.S. You won't have to worry about calculator when you get to calculus. Most things you do in calculus is by hand. So learn how to do math by hand or else calculus is going to really suck for you!

  2. TI84 of course....

  3. pretty much the only difference is the 84 is faster and has more memory

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