
Should i get the env2 or wait for another texting phone?

by  |  earlier

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hey guys I'm going to get the env2 because I'm a big texter, lol but i don't know if theres going to be another texting phone anytime soon. so do u guys think i should or do u think i should wait some time for another qwerty phone? please n thank u!




  1. Im getting that tomorrow. I just got the Glyde, HATE it already. terrible for texting and the screen is unreliable. my niece who texts like a maniac has the env2, she says its really great for texting and easy to txt on. and it survived her taking it into the shower with her..some people just don't have common sense. anyway. its a great phone!

  2. hey, im going to get mine tommorrow!  I think its worth getting now though. I'v donesome research on some reviews, and iv heard that it is a great texting phone, its way easier and it goes very quickly, that its a nice design, the camera works good and takes good pictures and aso that its a good talking phone too, loud and clear. But like i said before, its main feature is texting, and its a great texting phone, so in my opinion i think its worth getting right now, because obvioulsy there's always going to be something better that comes along no matter how long you wait!

  3. Get the ENV2, its a good device. Remember, there will always be new phones coming out. If you keep waiting, you will never get one.

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