
Should i get the samsung tocco?

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i am waiting on t mobile gettin the tocco back in stock 4 a exchange on my faulty sony ericsson! is it worth the wait?




  1. Yes definately, you will love the Samsung F480 Tocco.

    It is a great mobile with a excellent camera. The camera takes a little time to get used to but it doesn't take a genius to figure it out. The touch screen is very informative of what you have clicked with the vibration feedback.

    The drag and drop widget on the main screen makes it easy to look through pictures, find out the time or even listen to music. The widget can do nearly everything.

    The text interface is very simple to use and much better compared to the iPhone/iPod Touch (iTouch). It does not have a "Qwerty" keyboard like the iPhone/iTouch but that's what makes it simple. It has the ability to let you use "T9 (predictive) text" or "ABC text".

    Here is a picture of the text interface:

    The sound is reasonable for a Samsung mobile. I don't think they will ever beat Sony sound ways even if they are working with and using Banging and Olufsen speakers/sound.

    Incase you have saw a simmilar answer like this one before it is just because I copied and pasted most of my answer from another question to this one considering you were basically asking the same thing. Don't worry though it was my own answer typed out by myself to start with.

    Hope I helped!

  2. Hiya Westy. The Samsung Tocco is the latest touch screen to hit the high street! And much improved regarding user friendly! The 5meg camera is wizard,and the zoom settings are high quality resolution! If you enter a search : samsung tocco You can read the reviews on the Cnet website!  

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