
Should i get the surgery on my wrist?

by  |  earlier

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Ok i have a cyst on my wrist and it is irritating me. The doctor said the only way to get the cyst to go away is to get surgery. I want to get the surgery but then i don't.I do want to get the surgery because if i don't i will never be able to play volleyball again without making the cyst start irritating me again. I don't want to get the surgery because if i do and the doctor messes up hey can ruin my wrist forever and i wont be able to go into the army. So should i get the surgery or not?




  1. Do you really want to ask just anyone that can type if you should get surgery??? REALLY ???  Here this will help you more

  2. Get the surgery.  This is a simple routine one.

  3. Are there other activities you do such as typing, drills in the Army, simple things like picking up thing (sometimes heavy), cleaning or anything else that will make it flare up?  You need to ask your doctor if it will get worse, flare up during the above activities, or if hitting the ball with your wrist is what's irritating it.  If he says it's from the volleyball only, then I'd quit volleyball and not have the surgery.  If it's going to interfere with you joining the Army or doing jobs in the future, then you might consider surgery.  Find out how long the doctor has been doing this type of surgery too.   Good luck.  

  4. Yes, get the surgery. I had the same thing happen to me, and it took like 10 minutes. its an everyday thing.

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