
Should i get the wii or sidekick?

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my bday was a week or 2 weeks ago; i was suppose to choose between a wii or a sidekick && its really driving me crazy!!! there is a new 2008 sidekick that im completely in LOVE with! but then again i am sort of a game geek; i already have a pink ds =] it sort of bores me though and some ppl say that a wii could get boring pretty soon. what should i get?





  1. well side kicks do break easily, i dont know from experience but ive heard stories of people droping their side kicks and the screen nearly poping out.

    i think if you really like games get a wii theres alot to choose from although the some of the games out now arent so great. nintendo is working on that xD full support from third partys. and you can get The Nintendo Chanel wich lets you demo games on the DS.

  2. wii

  3. think of it this way:

    the sidekick has everything basically, internet, calling people, texting, pictures, videos and you can get on the internet and play any game you want

    the wii i have it

    honestly its not that great

    the first night you know was fun but the games arent nearly as good as what they could be

    sidekick all the way, and your madley in love with it so

  4. sidekick

  5. wii dont get a sidekcik.

    Like almost all my friends got them and hate them. There soooo slow people just buy them to look cool.

    Trust me a wii is a way better investment.

    ANd if u get a sidekcik there gonna come out with a newer verison and then ur just gonna want that.

  6. the wiis do get boring, i'd go w/ the sidekick.

    the wii isn't really good for gaming, just if you wanna excersize or something.

    if you're a gaming geek, stick w/ whatever gaming system you have.

  7. i would go with the sidekick

  8. i get the wii

    why sidekick when it going to come another in 2009 or so

    They have a lot of games they do have a lot of fun game out like mario kart that you can not find any where right now and few more and you can play with your friends

    you can compare both of them

  9. Get the Wii... so you can download the games.

  10. no get the wii. there are always new games. the wii... def.

  11. xbox 360 wii sucks : ( i just sold my 360 to get a wii and it was the stupidest thing i've ever done Im gonna get a 360 for christmas

  12. if a ds bores you and you are in LOVE with the sidekick then go with the sidekick.  i think wii is really fun and i am not bored with mine but i know some get bored easily with wii.  anything handheld is much easier and more convenient because you can take it almost anywhere, and it seems to be that you like handhelds so if i were you i'd go sidekick.

  13. i'd say go for the wii. becuz who's to say that wii games r boring? shouldnt you decide that? i think they are pretty fun. besides, who is winning the console war as far as the most sold?

    since it's a phone, we're talking about, you may not get the chance to get a sidekick later, depends on  your parents.  

    so, id say, get the one that is the most expensive, Wii or sidekick. then save up for the other.

    lol i was in a similar situation,  Ps2 VS. laptop

  14. my wii doesnt bore me but if your just gonna get the wii and no game then you should go with the sidekick

  15. wiis do get boring.

    not many fun games for them.

    go for the sidekick.

  16. if you get bored of games easily then dont get a wii cause after a month its only fun when you play with other people. But dont get the sidekick, my friend used to have it and its a horrible phone, the screen always breaks and it goes very slow, and it ugly and bulky. so dont get the sidekick either. If you had to pick between the two i think the wii is better and it will last longer and even if you get bored of it you can always buy more games.  

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