
Should i get xbox 360 if yes then nhl 2k8 or nhl 08?

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should i get xbox 360 if yes then nhl 2k8 or nhl 08




  1. NHL 08, it's the best.

  2. yes get a 360 and if your despred and cant wait get 08 but for now just rent it and wait for 09 its gunna be better 2K hockey and all sports suck

  3. nhl 09

    just wait a little, but if u dont nhl 08

  4. To be honest, the Playstation 3 has more advantages then the Xbox 360. The PS3 plays Blu Ray which already beat the High Def DVD's in the format war. Although, it costs more then a 360, the 360 costs about 50 dollars a year to play online, so after a few years the total of a 360 would be more then a PS3. PS3 online is free. Also, most of my friends who have a 360 have sent there's back once, twice, or even three times back to Microsoft because the 360 has a very poor cooling system causing it's internal  parts to overheat and sometimes melt because the heat cannot escape. Around 33% of all 360's break, while less then 1% of all PS3's break. Also, the 360 is very prone to permamnently damaging disks when it is moved while in use. Sometimes, it even damages disks while stationary, it leaves very deep cuts inside the disk sometimes. Another side note is that all of the popular 360 exclusive titles are released for the PC later on, while the PS3 exclusive titles stay on the PS3. The only major advantage the 360 has over the PS3 is longer warranty. Also, if you have a lot of PS2 and PS1 games, I would consider getting a 60 gig PS3 because it has 100% Backwards compatibility with all PS1 and PS2 games. Though, the 60 gig is a discontinued model now. The 40 gig PS3 has 0% backwards compatibility, while the 80 gig PS3 is roughly 53% backwards compatibile. I don't know the the percentage of backwards compatibility of the 360, but I know it is not 100%. I also do not know the backwards compatibility percentage for the 20 gig PS3, but that model has been discontinued for a while now anyway. There will be new PS3 models coming out soon, with different hardrive sizes, and I also do not know how backwards compatible those are.

    As for NHL 08 and NHL 2K8, I'd wait for NHL 09 or NHL 2K9. I personally only buy the NHL games from EA Sports, but I have not played any from 2K Games. Buy both of them is what I would do.

    E - PS3 > 360  :)

  5. NHL 08 is better. But really.....09 will be coming out in September and be better than both.

  6. ^^^^LONG LIVE 2K8!! Silly Pens fans...

    Lol, just kidding. :P

    I like both. Xbox 360 is pretty cool. Don't have one, but my brother does, as does some guy friends of mine. So get it. And wait for NHL 09 and 2K9 to come out. Save money, get both. Why not?

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