
Should i give my 2 yr. old another sibling?

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Should i give my 2 yr. old another sibling?




  1. Do you desire to have another child? If so, why not have another. As long as you are able financially and emotionally. I will tell you , that I had my second child when my first one turned 3. Jealousy was a huge issue. After a year, it is much better. I think that it is when they get old enough to play WITH them.  Your 2 year old will not have all of your attention, so prepare him/her from the very beginning. Good luck!

  2. What sort of a question is that?  Why would you have a child for another child?  Do YOU want another child?  Because it doesn't sound as if you could handle another one.

  3. it's up to you, can you afford another baby?

  4. well every family and situation is different.

    I have 2 daughters that are 7 yrs apart. They are always close. I got married later on and have another girl that's 9 yrs younger than the other one.

    THe 2 oldest have both moved out and the youngest is alone. I had my tubes tied.

    I NEVER thought about the youngest being by herself, she lonely a lot of times.

    If I knew all this I woudl have had another child a year later.

  5. I had my second baby when my little girl was 21 months.  She was young enough that jealousy hasn't been much of an issue, but it's a lot harder on me to handle two that are so young.  At the same time I think once my son is a little older they'll be GREAT playmates.  So I guess there are pro's & con's to having another one, are you ready for another one?  Is Daddy?  If so, I say go for it.

  6. Ok, look at and read this question "SHOULD I GIVE my 2yr old another sibling."

    Having another child is not "GIVING" your other child a sibling. Having another child is loving your husband so much that you want to create another life.

    Also you this is something you and your husband need to speak about this. This is between the two of you not strangers.

    Honestly by the way you worded your question I see no way that you are ready for another child.

    I mean seriously the idea of someone thinking of bring a childi into the world as "GIVING" their child something. This baby wouldn't be a THING he/she would be a human being.

    The proper way would have been to ask "Should my husband & I have another child?" then type out your concerns or worries about your 2yr old and how they would adapt to a new child coming into the family.

  7. Another sibling?  You mean you already have two?  It isn't necessary to have more babies just so that your current children will have 'another' sibling.  You've left a lot of details out that would help people determine what sounds sensible.

    Questions to ask yourself:

    Can we afford it?

    If something were to happen to us, could the legal guardians handle more than 2 children?

    Do we have room?  Can we make more room to handle 3+ children?

    If one of the children were to come down with a major illness, could we cope with the added burden of a new baby?  What if it's the baby that's really sick?

    Am I just trying to please outside family members who want to be surrounded by lots of children?

    Do I really want to be responsible for an extra 2 years (+)past the age of my current youngest final flight from home?

    Do I love children that much?  (If your answer is yes, then why not become a foster mom - it doesn't seem there are enough good ones out there).

    I say the more the merrier and I wish my husband had been supportive of us having 3 children.

  8. yes they will become great friends untill they reach 11

  9. If you have efficient funds, i would say yes. My mother had four children. My older sister and I are two years apart and were inseperable growing up. she is still my best friend. My mom waited 8 years after me then had two more children who are 2 years apart and they are the same way. I would say to give your child a playmate and possibly the best friend they could ask for.

  10. do it while they're young.  I got a sister when i was 7 and it tooks many years for us to like each other.  I regret we werent closed together because we could have shared a lot more.

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