
Should i give my 8month old daughter multi-vit with fluoride 0.25 mg drops?

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My Mother who works for "WholeFoods" say no. I give her a wide variety of organic foods, and now i'm afraid to give her chemicals? I'm also worried if i don't give her fluoride her teeth will rot. What do other moms and dads do?




  1. The vitamins are good, but I would be careful about doing the fluoride part.  If you have fluoridated water in your community, that is more than enough to protect your daughters teeth.  If you give her more fluoride it could cause spots or darkened teeth.  Fluoride also occurs naturally in some well water.  Check with your baby doctor first.  


    if your baby drinks tap water, i wouldn't use a supplement.  too much fluoride is bad for a baby's teeth, too.

  3. Don't give it to her. When I had my son we had well water at the time and they wanted me to give him fluoride but I never did and his teeth are better then my kids who have had city water (which comes with fluoride). Her teeth won't rot, just brush them.

  4. No, you don't need to give her any special drops right now.  Give her a wide variety of foods along with her breastmilk or formula and she'll be fine.  Just make sure your dental hygiene routine is good for her - wiping down the gums or using a finger brush at least twice daily.

  5. I received flouride drops when I was an infant. They spotted my ADULT teeth - they learned this LATER when kids my age started getting their adult teeth. I would talk to your pediatrician or dentist.

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