
Should i give up skateboarding cuz i broke my arm?

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Should i give up skateboarding cuz i broke my arm?




  1. Breaking bones is unfortunately, a part of skating ( and pretty much any fun sport), If you love it don't give it up, progress slowly, master the easy stuff and then move on to more difficult tricks.

    All the best with your arm :)

  2. deffinately not!!

  3. No.  just be more careful.

  4. NO!!!! I fractured my foot 1 month ago... I get it opened today!! in about 3 days I plan to be back on my board as good as I was before the accident. don't give up! I was thinking about it to man... but you should stick with it if you really love it... just accept that if you want to skate and have a lot of fun you are also taking the gamble that is getting an injury every now and then. I've been skating for 2 years now and this is the first time I fractured my foot ( doing some gap that I'd already landed before).

    good luck with your arm, hope you don't give up dude!

  5. no stick with it man just keep practicing and you'll get better and you wont get hurt very often

  6. Definitely skateboarding is dangerous and a bit stupid try something else that can take you some where in life and that can take you through colledge and more.

  7. if u like it just stick with it. I broke my hip and tore all the muscles in my hip but I still skate because i love the sport.

  8. That would depend on how much you enjoy the sport?  I am sure that if Tony Hawk has broken something and that didn't stop him.  If you have to ask the question then perhaps you already know the answer.

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