
Should i give you ppl my cell number?

by Guest65004  |  earlier

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should i post my cell phone on here? i know its wrong but me and my friends stopped texting for some reason and i've been so bored and i want someone to text.




  1. I highly suggest not making your cell phone number available for pyschos online

  2. I would not post pictures , phone numbers or addresses on here.

    Find out why your friends stopped texting or make new ones you can text messages with.  

  3. sure, i'll give you mine

    email me =]]

  4. No. Well you can make new friends again, then tell him/her to text ya.

  5. No, definitely not! Giving out personal information over the internet is never safe, because you never have any way of knowing for sure who the people you're talking to are.

  6. wow your really trynna get kidnapped

  7. llama

  8. I wouldn't

  9. that's not a very smart thing to do. find some one else to txt

  10. This is the reason we don't allow "babies" to play on the computer. Do NOT give your phone # to strangers and don't take candy from them either!  Where is your mother and/or father?  

  11. You can if you want to risk that but it's dangerous if you do. I agree with Marie on this, why don't you find out why your friends stopped texting you and make new friends so you can text.

  12. why dont you give your msn instead

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