
Should i go 2 a priviate boarding school? 10 points 4 best answer!?

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i kinnda want to go to a privative boarding school,but i dont know because then i would have to quit all my activitys. ive been looking on line at some and i like them a lot, so should i go?




  1. YES

    if you have the opportunity, take it. you get away with a lot at boarding school and you don't have to come home to your parents being annoying. its just more independence.

    plus you get a fresh start at a new school and no one knows about anything you have done in the past that people at your current school might judge you on

  2. You need to answer some questions yourself to know if it'd be the right thing for you to do:

    1) Are your parents okay with the idea?

    2) How well do you think you could handle essentially moving away from everybody you know? Are you prepared to not see your family very often? To possibly lose contact with any friends you have? To start out in a new place, not knowing ANYBODY there?

    3) What is it about a boarding school that appeals to you? Being clear about it can help you decide.

    4) What's more important to you: the activities you are doing that you'd have to quit, or whatever it is about boarding schools that you'd like to have in your life?

  3. you should go, private schools are better for you to learn stuff,

    plus you get to meet new ppl, think about it!

  4. private way better

  5. Depends on how expensive the fees are, and how good the system structure of the education they provide you is. If they're no problem then I say go for it.

  6. i would say yes if that is what you really want to do... private schools ALWAYS look good on college apllications!!!!! just follow yourt heart that is the best advice i can give you

  7. well consider this question. do you care if you family is going to miss out on your childhood with an unexpected choice for an early leave. you can always visit them but your new home is far away and you have essentially abandoned life at home forever. next comes college. sure you can stay with them during the summer but it seems to be a vacation home now rather than your actual home. you will however show that you can take care of yourself and this choice is very appealing to colleges. if you think this is the life for you, go for it. sometimes boarding school isn't the best option. me being from nyc, we have some of the best schools in the nation. even the world renowned public school of the bronx high school of science ranks on top with the most Nobel prize winners coming out of a school. i even go to a really small private school in upper east side Manhattan which despite its size ranks as the top nine high schools for English. don't just ignore day schools yet. there is a lot you will be sacrificing and missing, yet on the other hand, a whole new life is ahead in exchange for the comfortable life you abandoned. keep in mind in is more stick in boarding schools. no more crazy parties, less freedom, and classes tend to be longer. if the reason for this choice is because of conflicts at home, think over why these conflicts occurred. were they justifiable. they can be straightened out. i remember i considered boarding school. so far i'm glad i didn't.

  8. There are some great advantages and some disadvantages of going to boarding school. I'll give you the advantages and the disadvantages and tell you my opinion. It's completely up to you.


    It looks GREAT for colleges. With the right grades and activities most colleges would love someone who went to a boarding school.

    You get to live on your own. This will help you develope individuality and help you in the future.

    You can meet new and intelligent people.

    It's fun!


    You have to leave your parents, home, family, friends.

    It might be hard and get lonely. You wont have someone to go to in trouble.

    You will leave eveything behind.


    I wouldn't want to go to boarding school. It's far away, and I would hate leaving home.

    Should you go? I don't know because I don't know yyou and what you like.

    Good luck with your decision. Talk this over with your parents and/or guidance counslers.

    Tell me your decision.


  9. You should get a library card, and go use it.

  10. why do you want to go? ask your self that. is it work quiting all the activities?? i would rather go to anormal school and keep my activities.

  11. If that is what you really want then you should do it. Boarding schools i heard were really fun. Boarding schools prepare you for college and real life. Which on are you considering? I want to go to the princeton boarding school.

  12. Yeah go. And you wouldnt have to quit all of you activities depening on what they are because there are alot of different ativites you can do at boarding school and you might find some new ones that you like.

  13. You should go b/c with boarding schools (so I've heard) that students that attend there are more focused and disciplined when it comes to their studies. Im sure that there are the some [[and more]] activities to do at whichever boarding school you may want to attend. Just as you're looking, be sure to adhere to the cost, the activites, credits, etc. Make sure its to you and your parents liking and means. More so, your liking b/c its what you want to do with your life for your future to be successful!

    You'll make the right choice on what you want to do!

  14. Well it really depends if you like the activities more then the school. But you always have to remember that private borading schools have activities too so I say go for it!!!

  15. if u really want to u should so that u r happy the whole world wil be sunnier if u r happy

  16. i think you should their education is top level and i heard its pretty cool and you get into a good college.

  17. It really depends on if you can get the money to go and if you are willing to give up talking to your friends and family constintly.  Usually people in boarding schools only get to see their family over major holiday breaks like Christmas and that kind of stuff.  If you have a close attachment to a pet you probably shouldn't go because most if not all boarding schools don't allow you to bring other living things other than plants.

    Hope I helped. :D

  18. First of all, it depends what section of the academic system you are currently in (i.e. elementary, junior high, high school, etc.). In my opinion, if you're still in elementary school, you shouldn't leave your family. Anything after that is probably okay. Also if you are ready to leave your parents.

    Now, about the actual school. This would be a big change, so you need to be sure that the place you pick is the perfect match for you. Trust me, it would be a huge let down for you to get to the school of your choice, and then have you hate it.

    Just remember, ultimately, it's your decision. I can't help you any more than this. Good luck with your decision.

  19. do what you want. would you miss your parents? can you handle being away? do what you think is best. make sure to talk about it with your parents too

  20. i think you should deffinetly go to a private school you will be able to get a better educationt there then in public, i did a little research online and i found some really good web-sites with reasons and explanation why private is better than public so here they are:

    if you dont want to go to all tthose websites heres a breakdown

    -less dropout rate

    -smaller student to teacher ratio

    -less violence & drugs

    -Fewer Disciplinary Issues

    -higher percent of students go to college

    -better text books and materials


  21. I left home at 16 to go to boarding school for the gifted and I've never regretted it. It was hard, though, for both me and my parents. All of us at the school knew that we were, in some ways, missing out on our "last" years spent living with our parents. We knew that after high school we'd be in college; we'd never be "kids" again.

    If I were you, I'd carefully analyze my situation (are you being home-schooled? This is in the home school section.) and take every opportunity to find out what the boarding school is like. Find out everything you can about food, dorms, clothing requirements, teachers, demographics of the students, what they do when you get sick (will they take you to the doctor, bring meals to you, etc.), the classes offered and available activities. You also need to consider your parents' wishes. If the school is extremely expensive, will it put a burden on your family? Will it use up money that they were saving to help you with college?

    There are private schools out there that focus on special activities, such as horseback riding or tennis. These are great for young people who are serious about their sports or interests.

    As one of the other respondents has said, consider the demographics of the student body. Some private boarding schools (maybe most) cater to the wealthy. You might get a scholarship, but how would you feel if your friends are wearing designer clothing, driving sports cars and going for vacation to the French Riviera  while you're spending the summer at home mowing yards for $7 an hour?  You do have to be practical about these things.

    These are just some things to consider. You might get a scholarship if you went to a boarding school, but you'd still have to work for it.  No matter where you go, pay attention to your academics. I'm sorry....I don't know how to say this kindly because we all make mistakes in grammar and spelling, but you REALLY need to learn how to write properly. If you don't, you may have trouble in college and later in your career.

    Good luck!

  22. i wouldnt think just of the activites that u can do at home becasue chances are u can do them some where else.  i would think of it for the educational places.   It can also help prepare u for college.  Also if you stay somewhere close then u can visit home often.

  23. Private Boarding School would be fun...but having to quit your activities might be hard....the best thing to tell you is to follow your heart...and if you really want to go to boarding school then go.....Good Luck...!  :)

  24. See if the boarding school has some of the same activities that you currently do. If its a good school, and you're really interested in going, you should. You have to take into consideration other factors though, like friends, homesickness, etc.

  25. go there and enjoy your life

    my experience says that these days will become golden days of your life

    (dont give 10 pts. to me give them to somebody else)

  26. you can go to private school and enroll in other activites after school... if your school doesn't have any activities enroll elsewhere... community center..

  27. If your interest in boarding school outnumbers your interest in your other activities than go for it!


  28. This is a tough one. Do your parents/carers know about it?? Can they afford it? If so, you DO need to think about but if you like the idea then I say go for it because they are loads of fun. Your parents/carers could visit you at the weekends so you shouldnt be homesick. Some private schools even let you keep pets, so you could take one if you wanted! You can also sleep over there, which is really cool, because you can have midnight feasts!

    Good luck.

  29. i go to public school, and sometimes i wish i could just go to boarding school and start all over.  i'd say if you're really interested you should go for it, they'll probably have similar activities going on there.

  30. depends on your age

  31. Yes, your future paycheck depends on your knowledge.  If you think you need that extra attention for education then by all means go.  You are young and have the rest of your life to live for.

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