
Should i go 2 chipotle or tgi fridays today? help?!!?!?!?!???????????

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Should i go 2 chipotle or tgi fridays today? help?!!?!?!?!???????????




  1. i like chipotle.

    whyyy? becausee you can watch what they do to your food, instead off like , tgi fridayys because they could spit in itt n nasty stufdffff

  2. Chipotle's gives me foul smelling diarrhea and wet gas, Fridays just gives me wet gas

  3. TGIFridays!!

  4. Choose yourself. Just pick one.

  5. TGI FRIDAYSS!!!!;...

  6. Go to Chipotle because it's Saturday not Friday. Have fun!

  7. Friday's is fun!!

  8. are u serious..

    its called flipping a quater.

    wow. i cant believe you even wasted time writing that

  9. chipotle because you can go where ever days you want even friday ☻♥☺just joking

  10. I've never had Chipotle, but was disappointed with Friday's when I ate there in Malaysia.

  11. BARF! Neither.

    Find a locally owned place that serves real food.

  12. tgi fridays

  13. none of those options please my taste buds. sorry.

  14. Chipotle!!!!

  15. hmmm if i had to choose between those to i rather stay home and eat leftover. If i were you i would find a better restarunt near you to go to.

  16. fridays.

  17. I agree with Billy - try a cafe where you live that is locally owned!

  18. By yourself, Chipotle.  With friends, Friday's.

  19. tgi fridays!

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