
Should i go back to school or continue poker?

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I'm 19 years old and ive been playing poker for 3 years. I dropped out of school 1 semester short of graduating because I was playing cards almost everyday and I was always too tired to go. So far I've been doing very well just gambling all day but what im asking is should i go back to school or keep doing what i always wanted to do?




  1. Definitely go back to school and finish what you started! At 19 years old you can't yet be sure of what you want to do with the rest of your life. You might get bored of playing cards after a couple years, or worst you might not win any money and then you need something to fall back on. You can play poker if you like it and you're successful, but be sure to have a plan B. Good luck!

  2. well it depends on what you wanna do with your life. If you want to play cards for a living then keep doing what makes you happy, but if you don't want to keep doing that for a long time then cut back on playing and work on school. I'm 18 and know how much fun playing poker is =p

    good luck =)

    Jacob Q

  3. finish up school and then go to college for gambling.  The degree isn't called gambling but there is a degree that teaches all about that stuff.

  4. well dude really not a good choice go to skool gradute fell proud of ur self get a job at a casino or u can keep poker ive tried gambling for 4 years then i was really bored and every1 kept makin fun of me b/c i didnt gradute trust me dude

  5. It depends on how big your bankroll is if you have enough to live for 3 worry free months i would consider playing poker, if you have enough for more than 3 monthsI would take a run at it, you are young and getting older by the day. You may never have this chance again, School will always be there. As I read this i cant help but wonder if you are talking about high school or university. If its high school go ahead and get the diploma, if anything for your ego ( all poker players have one) if its university take a gamble...pun intended. If you have 1 cent less that what it takes to live for 3 months then keep grinding part time, good luck Id love to hear how it goes.

  6. get your diploma. the tables will always be there.

  7. Finish school.  That way, you have something to fall back on in case (a) you get sick of playing poker (it could happen, even if that seems impossible at the moment) or (b) the current poker boom turns out to be a fad, the games dry up, and there's no more fish/donkeys to make money off of.  You can always go back to playing full time after you graduate.  Especially with just one semester to go, definitely get the degree.

  8. I would suggest you to always have a second plan in hand, just as in poker. You can always choose between been an agressive or a tight player. It is the same for life opportunities with a very strange similiarity with poker. Think as this way:

    1) To be agressive in poker you don't need to have the best cards always. In life is the same, you can take your chances any time you want if that's what you really wanna do.

    2) To play tight poker (or slow play), you do need to have a good hand so that you can make the best profit of it. Just like in life, if you do not have a good education, you might not have this second choice available when you find it necessary.

    Plus, you are still young. Graduate, go to college so that you can analyze the best "hand" you have!

  9. Go back to school, then continue playing.  

    It will be a lot easier to meet your poker goals if you have a good job to pay for your buy-ins.  Then if you make it, quit your job and play for a living, if you don;t, you haven't wasted your time.

    I am 36, and trust me, I have no issue with having money for poker if my bankroll falls short.  15 years ago if I lost my bankroll I was stuck for a long time.

    If you want to make poker your living, you have to build up the money for it as you learn, and if you have only been playing 3 years you are still a novice, no matter how good you think you may be.

    Good Luck

  10. go back to school... you alway can play poker

  11. One semester to go?  No question, go back to school.  I don't know what level of education you're after, but finish it, put that notch on your belt and THEN think about going back to poker.

  12. if u are getting good money, keep playing, but u might loose, alot, so u might want to go to school, ur choose

  13. School then gamble

  14. You've got the nuts and the river card hasn't been turned. Just play on the weekends and go back to school.... Then go on to college and get your degree. If nothing else you'll get some easy money in some friendly games from the college kids right?

  15. OR use that money that you won playing poker to pay off your school don't ask your government to help you out BIG MONEY

  16. School then play FULL TILT POKER and enter bonus/referral code DAMDONK for a free $600

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