
Should i go for a guy even if his family is bad?

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the guy i love is nice,he loves me too n we r planning to get married.but his family is really all terms...ethics,morality,culture,educatio... really tried to like them but cant,they r really mean ppl.n his family means the world to him.should i still go for this match?




  1. In Indian culture you marry the family, not the individual. So if he comes with a classless package, I would say NO, don't marry him, UNLESS, he stands up for you both against his family (rare, but it does happen, apparently).

  2. only if the guy is good who cares about his mean family just worry about him

  3. a true sprit can change anyone. if your heart is pure and you are willing to make a cahnge in him, you can, don't give up anything is possible

  4. oops!are u from india...?then u have to think twice!wat if the boy goes to his moms side afterwards?any ways if u know him totally then go ahead but...u shd really think bout it

  5. one thing is he love em, but do he realise their flaws and how it makes you feel? if it comes down to it will he defend you and stick by you?

  6. It doesnt mattrer what type of family he has as long as he is nice.

  7. well. if you like him nothing should be stopping you guys from love.

  8. I did and I paid for it too up until I got divorced RUN as fast as You can in the opposite direction and never look back

  9. yes.. if u really love him then you will be able to be with him even if it means having to put up with his family.. good luck.=].

  10. no -- it might be genetic and even if he's okay, your kids might inherit their stupidity and ethical deficits

  11. Yep, the truth is, when you marry the guy, you marry his family. You either deal with it or you don't. Think about future decisions also where you will be affected, when you have children and if you want to expose them to that kind of enviroment. I know you can't help who you love but if its worth it to you then go for it!

  12. the apple dosnt fall far from the tree

  13. ditch him and save yourself pain.

  14. Your marrying him not his family, as long as you make sure to him that that's how you feel then its all fine :)

  15. this Qn must b raised before u love him ...y u people r confusing urselves...after u fell in love.think so this is not true love...dont u know about his family before??? is it look good if u say the reason that his family is not good ???  u r loving 1 ly him n not his family members ...think well n take a good decision this is not 1 ly ur life n also his life don cheat him ..... don b foolish !!!!!!!!!

  16. I never liked any of my bfs' families. But that has never stopped me from loving my bfs. I think if you believe you have found the right guy, then you shouldn't give up on it.

  17. depends whether he agrees with those morals you hate about his family.

  18. As long as you like the guy who cares what his family is like.

  19. As long as you don't have to live with them then its ok. But if you have to live with them then thats a problem for you haha. GL but it hink you should go for it.

  20. An acorn never fall too far from the tree.  Head for the hills before it's too late.

  21. ummm you seem young........

    if you marry him you marry the family.  

  22. No don't do that otherwise your life will be h**l.

  23. even if you absolutely hate his family, if you like him, you've got to respect them. yes, go for him, but try to be polite. if they aren't polite to you, then ask him to talk to them about it.

  24. you can pick a guy but you cant pick his if you love him enough you will have to deal with his family wether you like them or not.

  25. Umm, No!!

    If his family is bad that means that he will turn out to be bad, because of peer pressure, and he will have the same traits as his family. Plus you should like the family that will some day be yours. So you should probably move on, But it's your decision, not ours.

  26. he loves his family, and you can not stand them. that is tough!

    Are you sure he is not like them? And who will he put first? You or his family?

    I say if you really love him and you think you are able to live with him while hating on his loved ones, go for it...

    otherwise you either

    1. start to like them somehow.

    2. not get married to him

    3. move somewhere away from them where he and you would rarely see them, and that way there will be less awkwardness and hatered.  

  27. It's going to be very difficult to adjust to something like that. Is there any chance of spending more time with his parents, getting to know them better? Or have you already given up on them?

    You say you love him and he loves you but there is more that has to be resolved prior to your wedding.

    I have to wonder what could have happened to make them mean. Everyone has their own agenda and I hope you have a good idea what you will do.

  28. I fell sorry for you :( Talk to him tell him how you fell.If you like,trust and know he likes you it will work.

    Clicks :)

  29. No, if his family means the world to him, DONT.

    Really Serious. because ur going to live that family for a life time. so think twice before u take a step.

    Good luck.  

  30. AbeSaluteLee. What do you think?

  31. It doesnt matter what kind of family he has. I know this because i have a family myself i would wish on my enemies. But this has changed the way i see things. I cant see myself doing any of the things my family does that i find so repulsive. Like DRINKING SMOKING DRUGS etc...... Sometimes the bad family thing can help. GOOD LUCK

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