
Should i go for normal or c-section delivery?

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im 7mth pregnant now n dis is my second first child is c-section due to my high blood pressure during pregnancy...i still have 2 mths left or maybe early before i give birth. im suppose to decide either one of the option... i do want to have a normal delivery but i am too scared to even think about it.. coz i don't know how the pain of labour will be like. my first child was forced to be delivered early thru c-section so i don't get to feel the pain that all women have gone through...mummy out there,wats ur opinion?




  1. Go for a vaginal delivery if they give you the option

  2. yer it is painful normal labour but after about an hour you can get up and walk around freely

    where as for a c-section you go through the pain for longer

    still your choice although i would go naturally


  3. If you can deliver without a section go that route.  Its never as bad as your mind makes it out to be.  I had a horrible delivery cause my son was face-up.  But now that I'm pregnant again I really haven't had allot of anxiety about delivery.  If its bad you will get over it and deal with it.  Besides regular is better for both of you.  Ask for a epidural, there is no shame in getting relief.

  4. Go for a normal delivery. It's better for you and baby. If you're worried about the pain, have an epidural. You won't feel anything from the waist down.

    You'll get to experience both forms of giving birth this way too.

  5. ive had 5 naturals 1 cesar and i opted for a cesar this time as well but i did because i want my tubes tied read as much as you can on vbac and see if its worth it  

  6. See, I asked my teacher about this a bit ago.

    She said the doctors don't recommend having a C-section unless it's nessecary, like your first child, because you can't walk around for at least 2-6 weeks after, and there is more risk with a C-section.

    Natural birth is more healthy, though it really...really...hurts. But that doesn't mean you can't get a bunch of painkillers, right?

  7. go normal if your dr says its ok for you. but i would also make sure they gave you an epidoral. (LOVE THEM......... love them, love them!)

    God bless the man who invented the EPIDORAL! three cheers for him! ha ha

    i had one and i was given this right when the pain was eting too much to bear...... i was up and around after a few hours. research this and consider it an option. I would not say go "oh natural" ha ha we r not in the stone ages....... LOL God gave man a invent things like Piain meds for delivery.. right?

  8. I suggest going Natural verse csection just because after your done delivery you can walk around and hold your baby, where when you have c section you can not lift your hands above your head and hold a certain amount of weight. So even though it might be painful, as soon as that baby comes out its gone.. well until you go pee... :) But its still better I think, but do what you want.

  9. i think you should do normal delivery

    and if you fear the pain you can just get doped up

    my mom had 3 kids normal style and she didn't use any drugs

    she wanted to feel the pain. ahahahahah =]

  10. I'm having the same issue.

    I had my first by emergency C-Section and when the doctor said 'elective C-section?' this time I just presumed there was no other way.  However, I have now looked into VBAC s and will be asking my consultant if I can have no2 naturally.

    Mostly because my partner and i don't want to limit ourselves as to the number of children we can have and they suggest that you only have 3 C-Sections.

    I'm absolutely terrified of giving birth naturally (last time went for 36 hours before I had the emergency C-Section!) but figure if millions of women do it all over the world every year, so can I.  Hopefully after a day of pain I will be able to hold my baby and take it home the next day.  I can also drive faster and get back on a sensible exercise regime faster.  Also no nasty stomach stiches to deal with (last time mine got infected and I had to stay in bed for a week...)

    I say go for it and if it gets too much you can always have a C-Section anyway.

    Best of luck to you.  Totally sympathise!!!

  11. uhh try normal at all costs because it's more healthy.

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