
Should i go for this Hot Asian dude?

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I'm 17 and i'm black I've never had a BF before.......well this guy is my friend he thinks i'm pretty awesome (my friend talked to him for me) and i'm trying to overcome my nerves....he makes me so nervous ...but today i was thinking and thinking about calling im but then i changed my mind the last minute but then i thought about it and was like The heck with it ....and just made my self call him...but he didn't even answer LOL i was all nervous for nothing LOL....

..i don't even know if i like him as much as i did before...maybe i just kinda lost some interest over the summer ...

blahhh i'm soo confused




  1. yes

  2. Filipinos are really much more open minded when it comes to interracial relationships than East-Asian men if that's what you're concerned about.

    Of course it depends on himself as an individual, but if he says you're cool, etc then what's his ethnicity got to really do with it?

    Prettiness has nothing to do with getting a boyfriend..

    If you're not showing interest or reciprocating interest and if your personality isn't open, then any girl can prevent themselves from having a boyfriend.

    I've heard you say a couple times how your friends keep saying you're so 'pretty,' but there are alot of pretty girls out there with no boyfriends, so let's not put you up on a pedastil here haha.

    Do you at least date?

    You're only 17..

    I don't even know if you realize how easy it is to get a guy, especially a guy who you know already digs you in some way..

    You literally can go up to him and cheesily say, "hey I like you, wanna go out together?" at 17.

  3. Only you can decide this. Race should not determine your feelings. A good friend is better than a boyfriend in my opinion. Don't think its weird to have never had a boyfriend either. Not everyone is focused on romance in life. Keep him as a friend no matter what!

  4. It doesn't matter whether you're Black and he is Asian. If you have feelings for him then try to get closer such as become friends. It doesn't hurt to get closer to friends if they are decently good people. Your feelings may change when school starts, I think you should just face this new school year as usual and see when your true feelings will appear once again. To find ourselves takes time.

  5. Um idk... lol i think if your loosing interest then it might be time to just move on.

    I don't know wat to tell u! im not very good with guys myself. I haven't had a bf either :/ but then again i m just a little freshman! haha

  6. aww your first ..its all good ..i was super shy with my first too...

    but that was partly the reason why we broke up../ : so yea just make sure hes a good guy..not a player

    and this is coming from another filipino guy im credible.. LOL

    but yea if you need more info you can i.m. me on aim


    ohh yeah, and make sure you get to know him on your own , and not through friends

  7. its ok to be nervous around him,

    thats how everyone is.

    just be yourself, its sounds like he already likes you.

    oh and its a lot easier to talk on the phone to him more at first.

    try that, because he cant see if your nervous,

    soon youll get used to him,

    and you wont be so nervous around him at school:]

    and its fine not to have had a boyfriend when your a senior:)

  8. What's holding you back?  Is it the cultural differences?  

  9. omg ur soo freakin cute. well if u think he would make a good bf go for it. i love me some filipino dudes aswell look at americas best dance crew them motha faulkers know how to get

  10. Obviously someone on line can't determine whether or not you should date him because they don't know him or you. But if your question is, should you allow the fact that he is asian to prevent you from dating him, the answer is no

  11. I think you should go for him. Don't be nervous just be yourself.

  12. Don't take advice for this subject.  You don't konw the people who are answering your question.   Any dating advice you should take from your friends and family.  If you like the guy and trust him, go for it. It doesn't matter anything else.  

  13. i dont think you should... well maybe if you just want like nice dates but if you want good s*x then NO! remember asian guys have pinky p***s!!!

  14. Please, just do it. What have you got to lose?  

  15. School starts again in a week, forget him. Your about to have a whole line up of new crushes!

  16. If u r black & he's a type of Asian, that's pretty cool. I mean it reminds me of the movie Romeo Must Die. Do u like that movie?! lol

    I'm a real sucker when it comes to love. I also happen to think that interracial romances are the best. about the hardest type of romance? YES. but still very very very romantic! It all does depend HOWEVER, on the couple. You have to look at the two as people firstly. at the personalities. they can be the most LIKELY pair  or...sadly the worst pair. It's a possibilty that people will talk behind your backs. I don't mean to be mean but it's true. I've read it in a book. Just be ready.

    Also, listen to one of these people (dont know the name) who answered u. School IS starting. they told u about guys, but i'm telling u to concentrate on school as ur # 1 priority. then see. & just in case u want to. keep in touch. lol

  17. just go do it, if you think too much you'll wind up shooting yourself in the foot, i know i've done the whole i'm 17 so lets have your people talk to my people bit before now that i'm at 33 i see that to start a relationship the less thinking done the better, not to mention it beats having to deal with the "what if?" questions that will no doubt come later if you don't

  18. Do It!!!

    Don't worry about being nervous it's natural and just be yourself.

    Heck I took the advice and me and my hot asian dude are very happy.

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