
Should i go home?

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Should i go home?




  1. Not yet son, your mother and i are very busy doing grown up things

  2. you might as well.

  3. yes yes yes and to bed

  4. Yes.

  5. Yeah, you should go home ASAP!!! Coz your parents are worried sick coz it is already past your bed time...

  6. Yes, mum says dinner's up in 10 mins and you gotta wash your hands first.

  7. if u can remember where it is

  8. umm thats up to you...depending why you left

  9. It might be a good idea to

  10. yes, you should go home and put some clothes on!


  12. yes go home...

  13. do it now. Thats an order!

  14. NO - stay and play a bit longer

  15. If you mean from work then yes. Or you could go out. It's thursday after all. Friday eve.

  16. yes i think its time you went home its getting dark lol.x

  17. I have not a clue!! But i wanna go home i think!!

  18. go home from where??? where u been???? whos at home??? kids ??? hubby???? mother???

  19. depends why you left in the first place.

  20. ya

  21. No. Stay there! I'm assuming since you chose to ask this question in the Dining Out/Mexico/Cancun section that you are in Cancun. If you are vacationing there, don't go home yet and enjoy another Corona or Margarita. If you live there, then you might want to go home and have a Corona. Those crazy tourists are now going to start hitting the bars tonight!

  22. yes please do

  23. Nah! Have another night of whatever you did last night.

  24. Well how long have you been there?  If you went for vacation and it is time to go home...go home.

  25. yes you should go home every one needs to have a home to go to
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