
Should i go or should i stay

by  |  earlier

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i use to live up north but moved down south 5 years ago anyway since i lived here ive had so much bad luck i have a rented house that im being evicted from cos they want to sell it.the council cant help cos they havent the housing i cant find a good man ect anyway i d have made friends and feel surcure but i feel theres nothin here for me oh my family live here but i dont see them much .




  1. Deb starting anew in any town can take a year or more to get this settled. Try to give it a certain amount of time and then if things don't change then do something different. Moving will not get rid of your problems. Do you have a job? That is a big plus in today's world. Visit your family more. Get involved with the community. Do something that will contect you to other people and network. You would be surprised what other people can help you with.  

  2. maybe you should read your bible theres a scripture that will be uplifting for you.with God on your side, you have everything going for you.

  3. well there is no such thing is bad luck its what you make it out to be so.......

  4. If you think you would be happier up North then go back and see what happens. Good luck!

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