
Should i go out with Nat Wolf????!!!

by  |  earlier

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I was sitting in the park and Rosalina came up and asked me a few questions simalar..Well she inturdust me to the band and we all exchanged numbers and e-mails.. A few days later i had a message on my cell phone from Nat and it said: Hey I was just wondering will you go out with me??? I havent answered him yet.. I need help. Will you help me??!!!




  1. Your lying... There is no way that happened... the off chance that actually happened DUH! do it he's famous!

  2. who? say yes.

  3. How old are you? well if your in the same age with him and dont look like his mom then say yes..

  4. um duhh say yes.

    you might get some on the first day.

  5. Say no cause if it is not in person then it dose not count

  6. haha no hes a little kid well depends your age anyway

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