
Should i go through with losing my virginity?

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I'm a virgin.Theirs this guy who i'm friends with and we have always liked eachother and we even used to talk but i felt better as friends and broke it off becouse he knew i was a virgin when i met him but he would try and pressure me into having s*x.Now we started talking again and i have feelings for him and i thought about it since we've been together and now i feel like i'm ready but at the same time i'm confused and he comes home soon from college.Should i go through with it?




  1. if you're not sure, no.

  2. No u shouldn't lose ur virginity b4 ur married,i know it seems exciting to do but please don't do it till u think you have  found the right guy and that means someone who isn't pressuring you to have s*x with him.

    It's probably just for his pleasure.

    Just so you know,once you lose your virginity, you'll never get it back.

    Hope this helps:)

  3. you should wait until your husband marries you

    once your virginity is gone

    it will never come back

  4. your virginity cannot be fix once it is broken. DONT LOSE IT UNTIL UR MARRIED!!!

  5. Only if you are ready and only if you are ready. I am 28 and still a virgin.  

  6. The best reason for having s*x is when it seems like the most natural next step with someone you truly love.  If you have to ask whether or not its right, its not.  Your first time should be very special with a very special person.  Later, when you are more experienced, you will be better able to determine whether you want to be intimate with Mr. Right or just get it on with Mr. Rightnow.

  7. You should wait... that is the one thing that women have that men do not... and they want it...

    A man loses his virginity.... no big deal.

    A woman loses hers, and it leaves her feeling lonely and lost, unless it is done at the right time. -- (Preferably after marriage...)

    Just think... if this isn't the guy you want to marry... how will you explain to your future husband that he will not be your 1st... you gave away this precious gift to a guy you weren't sure you loved...

  8. if you have to question then i say no, wait till you are sure.

  9. sweetie am going to give u one piece of advice (Marriage before s*x).........good luck in looseing ur virginity..............

  10. I think that's stupid. You should wait. And if he tries to pressure you, he's not worth it.

  11. You don't say how old you are? If you are over 17 I'd say go for it if it's what you want.

  12. You're old enough hook up with him

  13. How old are u?

  14. well why are you still a virgin? is it because you want to save yourself for marriage? then dont back down on your commitment...

  15. I ended up losing my virginity because all of my girlfriends had.  They always talked about it and I wanted to know for myself what it was like.

    So I did.  It wasn't a great experience and that was the absolute worst reason to do it.

    The right person is one that doesn't pressure you.  The right person will understand your hesitation and be patient with you.

    Whenever you do it, do it because it is 100% what you want to do.  There is only one time of losing your virginity and it will not be a good experience if you are unsure.

  16. If the time is right.

    Do Work.

  17. since he in college he is probably sleeping with other girls.

    wait till marriage.

    but if ur realli sure go for it!

    it hurts the 1st time.

  18. Do watever u want to do with urslef...but, dont do anything coz he wants u to do........

    by d way, how old r u ;) ?

  19. NO! you and him fell out before cos you was a virgin! that is stupid, that alone is showing you that that is all he wants! and you deserve so much better! if he is not willing to be with you unless you have s*x with him then he is not worth it! a decent boyfriend would wait until their girlfriend is ready, not pressure them into it! he only got talking to you again cos he wants to have s*x with you, my ex is doing the same to me! he makes out like he still likes me so i will have s*x with him but when i say no, he falls out with me. i was with him and we were so close, obviously had s*x and he said he misses it, but i'm not going to give in just to have his friendship, i'm not going to used like that and neither should you!!

  20. you  have your whole life ahead of you.  You should only have s*x when you in a loving, commited realationship, and even then it is risky.  The pill doesnt always work, raising a baby is not fun for an adult, even harder for a child with no job or skills.  Condoms  break and there is always the risk of contracting stds.  I lost my virginity at 14 and was a teenage mother, raising a child by myself and in poverty.  Not to mention the fact that you could be branded a ho and that is one label you cant live down. If i had it to do all over again, i would not.  I hope that answers your question and no matter what you choose, i hope you take the steps to help you have safer s*x.

  21. u shood wait till ur married

  22. I am so d**n proud of the women here that said WAIT! Even more pleased with those absolutely right minded ladies that said wait 'till you are married.

    I also honor and hold with high regards the men that gave you GOOD advice.

    I was compelled to answer your question because of them; the people that puts you on the right path.

    Listen dear….What differs a man/woman from an animal is that animals act on instinct. They will ‘****’ anywhere if they feel the call of nature. We on the other hand are rational beings contemplating on possible future scenarios before we do something stupid. WE THINK first!

    If a person cannot control his/ her animal instinct (especially with s*x), then how is he/she any different from an animal.

    My answer:

    The current man in your life…He can mask this desire of his and try to cook you a recipe that you would like to hear. Something comforting; a dangerously attractive yet appealing and adrenalin pumping proposal. Something that could give you a temporary natural high. A phrase that could give real meaning to the words – “sin is fun”. It could be anything from unconditional love to taking the risk with him kind of a talk.

    The ultimate form of love in the universe is God. The closest form of love that comes next to God’s unconditional love is the love of a mother (to her children) and the love of a wife (to her husband). Complete the love YOU WILL HAVE to your future husband by making him the first man IN your life.

    You should wait. As I have said before to some advice I have given here at Yahoo Answers…good things come to those who wait.

  23. That's pretty young. I was 17 when i lost mine. just ask yourself Is he the one for me? Do i want to spend the rest of my life with him? And if it is a yes go through with it

  24. No way. And if you tell him you want to wait until you're married, that will probably impress him. If you do this, chances are you will regret it.

  25. You are obviously not certain of what you really want to don't do it! Save it for that special day when you get married. You won't regret it!

  26. Not at 16, Your too young... to understand the whole s*x thing and what would happen if you became pregnant... there is a whole lot of emotions that go with having s*x and right now you are still in school, after graduation you probably have plans to attend college and move forward with your life and career. Not saying you can't do that with a baby on the way, but it would be 100 % easier to do it without a baby tagging along.

    If after this time he has not grown up emotionally and physically then he needs to move on.. If he is still interested in you but only for the sexual part, then he is not worth your time.

    We can only give you our opinions but I do hope you reconsider having s*x with this guy. Look way down the line into your own life and see what you have... then see it with a baby and no boyfriend / husband to help...

    Good Luck  

  27. Marriage is a good idea.  This whole thing of s*x outside of marriage is a relatively new development.  Sure, there has always been fornication, but it has not always been so prevalent as it is today.  It may be hard to see, but try looking very closely at the price people are paying for their sins.  And of course the heaviest price is yet to come.

  28. if you guys are confortable with doing it then you can do it. but only if you think its the right time.

  29. do NOT get forced into this, you must feel completely comfortable. Don't make the biggest mistake of your life. and make sure you use protection

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