
Should i go to Texas?

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Should i go to Texas?




  1. If you do, go to Austin or Dallas. Otherwise, I would say no.

  2. Houston has a lot of dumb laws, for example you can not buy alcohol at certain times or certain days, i can't remember I'm from up north, never had any stupid laws like where I'm from, It freakin hot all the time, no real winters here.  there's no real diversity either, except maybe Houston and Dallas, but that's still very limited.  They may say it's diverse because of all the mexicans but that's about all the diversity you get around here.

    Clubs in Houston kick you out by 1:00 am  this city Houston has a curfew law, so every concert you go to ends at midnight as well.

    The local sheriff will pull you over for almost anything here, they have nothing better to do, so beware.

    I hope you don't mind living around Mexicans because they're everywhere, they out number the white people , people aren't as racist as they used to be 10 years ago but you are in Texas so expect a bit racist attitudes around here.

  3. depends on what your venture is for Texas. Work,School, Family, Vacation. Anyone of those items can be a good reason to come to Texas. But if your running away from something or someone just so you don't have to deal with them anymore than it isn't a good reason to come to Texas.

    Texas is a very Large State with vast opportunities and resource at there disposal, and coming to Texas to live and work is a great experience for anyone even if it is for a short time.

  4. Here's a fantastic website that will help you make your decision:

  5. in a word no. But don't take my word for it

  6. If you mean, "move to Texas" I'd say sure if you have a reason to (work, family, school, a girl). I wouldn't move only because you don't like where you are now.

    If you mean, "visit Texas" I'd say that it is a must! There is so much to see in Houston and in the rest of the state.

    Either way, welcome to Texas.

    EDIT: Offtoneverneverland needs to get over the time our clubs close. Y'know, I'm happy they don't stay open until 4, and then a bunch of drunk idiots hits the streets then. Dude, we don't give a d**n how you used to do it in New York. You're in Texas now, son. Love it or leave it.

  7. You mean on a visit? I just got back from Houston a week ago--for a cousins wedding. I don't know what the negative attitudes are about--I am half--white, but look more like my mother who is Asian--and I had a great time there! Everyone was very friendly and courteous, and we found a lot to do and see in the 5 days I was there. In fact my cousins and I are planning another trip to Texas so that we can explore some more! Not to mention--you can't beat the barbecue there! LOL, I went up a dress size there!! Luckily, that's being handled at the moment!

  8. Yes.  Everyone should come to Texas at least once in his or her life.

  9. that is a very vague question. but i do not see any reason to go to texas, unless you really have a sure career there and a sure place to live.
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