
Should i go to a party where i know nobody but the host party? help please!!!

by  |  earlier

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I just moved here 4 months ago so i go to a new high school, and i have to make new friends. I only went to school for 2 months till summer began, so i didn't make lots of friends. i am like, super shy when you don't know me, but when you know me, I'm super talkative! i didn't make lots of friends so i haven't hung out with anybody this summer. Last week, this girl in my little group of "new friends" invited me to her birthday party, and she would be the only person i know in the party. I know you would say "Just go to the party and make friends..." but since I'm very shy, should I go to this party? And how do I get people to talk to me!!!??? And one more thing, this is a murder mystery party, so she wants me to dress like a usual mother. Any ideas???

Thanks a lot!!!




  1. I know it's hard making new friends and being shy. I would say go and smile a lot at people who catch your eye. I am sure someone there will want to talk to you if you do. Since the girl invited you, that's already an indication that she would like to be friends. You can just sit quietly or make small talk, "I like this ________ "(fill in drink, food, someones costume) when you are at the drink table, or food table, or if you notice someone with an interesting costume. You can just say it generally, or to whomever is standing near you. After it's all over and you've survived, remember to thank the host/girl and tell her you had a good time. Make sure she knows you appreciated her gesture of friendship without being too clingy! Try to have fun.

  2. i think you should go cause if the host knows the rest of the people they could introduce you to al of there other friends u kno??

  3. go and meet new people, try to be friendly and smile a lot make it easy for people toapproachh you, or take a friend

  4. By all means go. For the costume (a mother) I would do the 50's Donna Reed thing and camp it up a little (wig, dress and apron will do). Being shy shouldn't hold you back at all because the truth is, people love to tell you about themselves. All you need is a few good opening questions thought out beforehand (How long have you lived here? Where is the best pizza in town? Do you have brothers or sisters? etc) and let them do the talking. Not only will you learn about others, they will think you are a brilliant conversationalist.

  5. u should go

    this is your opportunity to get to know other people

    dont try to hard people will talk to you everyone likes NEW people so just relax and let the people come to you

  6. That's how you make new friends.

  7. GO.... hang with Mr, Host, until he introduces you to a nice chick you can spend some time with!  ... Sorry, I thought you were a guy, change that to introduce you to a nice guy....

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