
Should i go to a private school or stayed home schooled?

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Should i go to a private school or stayed home schooled?




  1. To add to what home school mom has said I have some friends who were home schooled and when they began college last year ( I'm a sophomore in college) they were in culture shock; they had trouble adapting to motivating themselves and dealing with peer pressure (two of them took to smoking and one to drinking).  I would suggest attending public or private school unless you have serious problems that prevent you from doing so.

  2. it depends on the school. if you have a feeling that this is the school for you, then go for it! if it seems a lot like homeschooling, then don't bother. I actually know someone who switched their kids from private school to homeschool. plus homeschool is shorter and more focused towards you.

  3. With no other variables, I have to say homeschool.  I think there are more opportunities available to you as a homeschooler, so you can have a richer environment in which to thrive.

    Good luck :D

  4. That really depends.  Are you doing well and staying motivated while homeschooling?  Are you taking advantage of the opportunities that are open to you?  Do you learn well on an independent basis, or do you need the accountability and competition of a classroom?  Does the private school have a lot of things that truly interest you, or are you just curious about what school is like?

    These are things that you need to consider.  Without knowing more about your situation, that's really all the advice that we can give - things for you to think about and weigh.  If you're just curious, or if the school really doesn't have that much to offer, I would say to stay with homeschooling.  However, if you honestly learn better in a classroom environment, and the school has a wide range of things that you wouldn't be able to participate in otherwise, you may want to give it a shot.

    I know it's not a definitive "this or that" answer, but I hope it helps :)

  5. It really depends upon your ability and desire. If you're motivated enough you could do with homeschooling. But I feel private school is a better option. You interact with student of your age and get to know a lot of things. You have a society of your own. At a private you could also have extra curricular activities like sports, art and craft activities. Here  are a few thing you should know before you take any decision:

  6. I want to go to puplic school just to make more freinds, get out and try new activitys but that's me.

  7. That depends on several factors:

    Are you happy being homeschooled, or do you  really want to try something new?

    Do you have commitments that would make attending the private school difficult?

    If so are you willing to give up those commitments?

    Is the private school near your home?

    Can your family afford private school?

    If you are only thinking of the private school because you are worried about getting into college, then relax, homeschoolers get into college all the time.

    If you are considering the private school because you are really unhappy in homeschool, and your parents can afford it, then why not give it a try?

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