
Should i go to boarding school? My parents died recently (car crash) and i have been given the choice of?

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boarding, or living with my Uncle, who doesnt really know how to deal with having me around, or care what i do very much.

So, has anyone got advice on boarding school? Which to choose?


Thanks x*x

(Im 14, brother is in army so wont be leaving him behind or anything)

Im in the UK




  1. Boarding school would let you focus more on your studies, become independent and be around people more. If you choose to live with your uncle, he's family and all, but you're not sure if he'll take on the responsibility of taking care of you much like a parent. Did he offer that you stay with him? If you are welcome in his home, why not?

  2. Sorry to hear this - you are so young to lose your parents. You say nothing about an Aunti as well, so you're really on your own, as far as advice and someone to talk to goes.

    Go to boarding school, where you'll not only make great friends, but nice adults you can talk to if you need help. (But often you'll be able to work things out for yourself if you think through what your Mum would have said....she'll lalways be with you).

    Stay in school until 18 then go share a flat with a friend. Take some cooking or home economics classes while you're there. Uncle will be able to relate to you better once you,re grown up. Keep in touch with him though, he's just lost a brother or sister and may have trouble handling that more than he's game to let on. Same thing goes for your brother, who also have to put on a tough face for his Army buddies.

    I went to a mixed school (in Australia) I was a day girl but there were a lot of boarders too. They all got around like a big bunch of sisters, they were very happy.

  3. Firstly sorry for your loss.

    I spent the last 3 years of high school at boarding school and it was one of the best times of my life.  You learn to fend for yourself really quickly, which helps a h**l of a lot in the big bad world, believe me!  Choose your friends wisely and your stay there will be fine.  As for staying with your Uncle - rather opt for boarding school.  Yes, there are rules and regulations, but you can give your education top priority and not become one of those rebel lay-abouts who don't even bother to go to school, because their parent's or guardians couldn't care less.  Focus on your education - it means the difference between having a great job and holidaying in the bahama's or asking "would you like fries with that?"

    (PS:  it's not all rules and no fun.  Sneaking through the dorms at night, breaking into the kitchen and stealing all the good stuff is a total party)

  4. so sorry for your loss, this life really can suck, wow. hope you are ok...

    dont suffer with your uncle, both of you will be unhappy. im not sure what entails boarding school but go for it, if its so you can live with some friends or roommates, not your uncle. i just heard rumors (i live in the us so i dont kno much bout uk boarding school) about how boarding school can be like h**l, so maybe cant you consider a diff option? well id go for it, if i had the chance, itll be fun to be independent and with friends, every choice you make will be your own, rather than having to put everything by an uncle who doesnt care much about you...good luck to you hon...

  5. I am so sorry to hear about this!!!!!!!

    I think that you might want to try boarding school! If you don't like it you can always try something later!

    At this age, and given your circumstances, you need discipline and standards!

    and what better for a 14 year old girl...than friends?????

    I hope all works out for you sweety!

    God bless!!

  6. I'm truly sorry for your parents. God bless them and god bless you are your brother.

    I'll be straight forward here. Since you have that option of living with your uncle and that is available to you, well, that tells me that he does not mind you living with him and I'm sure he would help you when times get rough. After he is family, and the boarding school is not.

    Naturally, your uncle is going to have more sympathy for you.

    Just think about that for now and have a talk with him about this. He's going to have more patience with you and that's more important than having top sport facilities and prep programs.

    Always stick with family. Believe me.

  7. ok, i cant help you make that decision, but i have to say that one of the best boarding schools in Engalnd is called BLOXHAM.

    people all over the WORLD send thier children there, it is a beautiful building, lovely teachers, nice atmosphere and brilliant education.

  8. Hmm, very difficult decision you have to make.

    Have you taken into consideration where your uncle lives and possible future job opportunities in the area?

    How close will you be to your friends?

    What is your brother / uncle's / close friends opinion on this?

    How well do you know / like your uncle? Will you know anyone in your new boarding school?

    Sorry, but I can't really offer any other advice. Hope it all goes well.

  9. im really sorry of your loss.

    i would choose Not too.

    my friend who is 12, goes to boarding school in europe (all girls) and she eats breakfest there, then school, then you eat dinner there. which is basically 7-8...

    So, its your choice.


  10. It depends on a few things, one of which is how well you and your uncle get along. If he's someone you can talk to when times are tough, it might be the better choice. If he's someone you don't get along with at all, you'll both clash and it'll make it harder on you both. Boarding school is most likely going to be fairly strict and structured, but this could be beneficial in a way as it keeps you going when things get to you.

  11. I'm really sorry to hear what happened. I think you should try boarding school. If it doesn't work out you can always go and live with your uncle. My friend went to boarding school and she loved it. You'll meet cool people and it's an experience only some people ever get so I would go for it

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