
Should i go to college for one year?

by  |  earlier

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okay so right now i work in a day care at an excercise place. i was going to go to a community college for early childhood education for like 2 years and now i only want to go 1 year for a certificate because i do not want to student teach the 2nd year! i dont really want to be a teacher and plus i get very nervous when i have to go infront of people. i want a better job but would it be worth going to college for like $3,000 just for a certificate in that area? i am making $8 an hour right now but that was my starting pay. could i actually do anything with just a certificate?




  1. Any higher education is good (and can help) but Certificates are not very useful...Associates, Bachelors, and Masters degrees are the most useful in terms of career advancement (and wage increases). It depends on the field but in Early Childhood Education the standard is typically a Bachelors degree (for teaching in schools) but in the day care setting an associates degree should pay dividends. I would suggest going for an associates degree, even if you can only part-time it could help out a lot. Look into the associate degree program, you may take all the courses required for the certificate and get that after the 1st year of the program and if you are unable to continue for the associates you will still have the certificate. Remember any & all higher education is good!!

  2. not that a certificate isnt good, you won't get any more pay with that. the certificate only allows you to work with children, it doesn't allow you to do more.

    what you want to do is really sit down and go over what you want to do with your life-- what you like to do, what you enjoy, what you are passionate about. then you need to figure out how much you're going to make with those jobs and what you can possibly do to do better and get paid more.

    $8/hour isn't a lot of money. it's barely minimum salary. how long can you live on that and pay everything?

    i am not grilling you or putting you down, you asked so i am giving you a realistic answer... something tangible you can work with. my email is open if you ever want to explore more options that what's available here on ANSWERS.

    By the way, not that this makes a big difference but i do have a lot of experience and i also work at a college.

    Hope my information has been helpful to you in deciding your future careers.

  3. The certificate will not prepare you for a better job but may provide you with a small increase in salary./

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