
Should i go to college just because everyone tells me too, eventhough i'm not ready?

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Everyone wont leave me alone about taking a break from school, so now i'm about to spend a lot of money on something I'm not even ready for. Should I go to school just to make everyone else happy? Im going back...just not right now.




  1. No, it's your life, not their's. College isn't for everyone. If you would like to take a gap year, by all means take it. But you shouldn't waste it watching TV or something. Perhaps do some traveling or volunteer in something you really believe in. If you aren't ready for college, don't force yourself to be. Everyone has their own pace. Make yourself happy first, not everyone else.

    Good luck!

  2. Well, that is a hard one. When I was 18 I took a break from school after high school. I went to work and took college classes occasionally from the local Community College. I had some experiences that hit home that if I wanted to make better money I needed a better job and so at 24 went back to college. I graduated with my masters degree in 2002 and this year am going back to study for my Doctorate.

    Do what is right for you but, remember if you think you are not ready because you don't know what you want to major in, well that is one of the reasons for General Education. It is supposed to give you a smattering of a lot of things to help you make up your mind. In fact, you don't even have to declare a Major until (usually) your Junior year.

    So, you might be more ready than you think. Also consider this, your family might be worried that if you don't stay in school now you will never go back. That happens to many people.

    But, you are an adult (or should be one soon) and should make your own best decision.

  3. Having been a professional educator for over 30 years, I can tell you three things that may help in your decision:

    1. "I'm not ready for college" is a cop out for other reasons. Why not just admit to yourself that you simply don't want to continue with your formal education yet? School can be a real struggle for some people, and to anticipate four more years can be a real turnoff.

    2. An overwhelming majority (90% or higher) of people who want to "take some time off" never follow through in attending college.

    3. Think about what you want to do with your life (auto mechanic, doctor, magician, animal trainer, whatever). Is there a training program you can enter instead of college?

    4. Don't forget there's always the military. They'll PAY for your college education! Military training is free and you can pick up a saleable skill there (airline mechanic, pilot, medic, etc.).


  4. I'm a senior in high school and I already am having a tremendous amount of pressure to go to a college.  I want to go to a college somewhere, but I don't know what I want to major in.  I am a musician (blues lead guitarist), and I pretty much vowed to myself that I would follow through with doing what I love.  I also like science and computers quite a bit so I'm thinking the science would be the wisest choice for myself.  Enough of me though, this is about you.  If you aren't "ready" for school, then you shouldn't go until you are.   There is a fine but bold line between being "ready" and being "scared".  If you are just scared (I'm assuming you aren't) then just face your fears and follow through with what you feel is right.  If you genuinely are not ready to go, then do not let parental and peer pressure force you to go to a college right away.  I would recommend going to a junior college to get you ready for a college life.  JC is not any different from regular high school as far as getting ready for college if the JC is driving distance from your home.  I would recommend moving out on your own to get more of a realization of what the real world is like.  Other than that, it's all based on what you feel is right.

  5. College isn't for everyone, and you shouldn't live your life just to make other people happy or meet their ideas of what is right for you.  

    But you also need to face facts and be honest with yourself.  Many people tell themselves they will go back, but without a specific plan in place ("I have deferred my enrollment for one year; I will travel for six months and then work for six months to save money for tuition"), most people get caught up in other pursuits and never go to college at all.  Is this is purposeful delay, so that you can meet other goals, or just an extension of summer vacation?

    You need to be able to articulate WHY you aren't ready now.  Do you just want to postpone the responsibilities of adulthood?  Do you not trust your ability to live up to the high expectations that you or others have of yourself?  Have you been pursuing the wrong things (academics instead of social relationships), or for the wrong reasons (becoming a doctor to make your parents happy)?  Are you intimidated by the thought of college?  If you don't want this, what is it you DO want?

    If you know the answers and can share them, it'll be much easier for other people to understand and respect your decision.

  6. You don't want to leave school completely, it will be hard for you to return if you do decide to go back. Take one or two classes at a community college, you don't have to be a full time student and community colleges are not expensive. Take different classes, ones you didn't take in high school, you might find something you like.

  7. Go back, otherwise in ten years or so from now when you actually go back, you'll be saying, "Man I wish I had done this ten years ago."  How about online courses?  You can get your first year out of the way and not have to give up a job/ social life..

  8. True, not everybody is ready for college right out of high school, but your only other real option is working. Consider the relative freedom of college life vs. the slavery of a full-time low-paying job (pretty much the only kind of job out there for someone without a college education).

    Many (not all) people say they'll go back someday, but never do. Life (work, relationships, kids, etc.) tends to get in the way, but the experience of trying to compete in the job market without a degree may change your mind.

    At the same time, a lot of people DO successfully go back to college. I'm back in college myself, 20+ years after failing miserably the first time. Life has given me a few decades of beatdowns, and I finally "got it". Education is the key, and I love school.

    I'm sure the people who are giving you a hard time about this know how important education is, and are just concerned about you and your future.  

  9. WELL If your not ready then no. But you defiantly should in the future. If you feel like not going just because you want to have fun then thats a bad choice. But if you are not mentally prepared ( not in a bad way) then take some time to your self. Just follow your own heart not others.  

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