
Should i go to college?

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I'm not sure what to do with my life, i worked in an insurance company for a year but couldnt stand doing odd jobs any longer, after i finished high school with 5 C's 1 B and 1 D (french lol).

I'm just not sure if i want to go to college for a year or two or get a new job.

any advice on what routes any of you guys took to get where you are?





  1. My advice to you, since you are on the fence, is to take a few "general" courses at a community college while you work and think more about what you would truly like to do with your future. The generals are needed no matter what major course of study is finally taken, so getting some out of the way while you work can only be a plus.

    Good luck! And don't get discouraged...there are plenty of 40-year-old people walking around who still aren't sure what they want to be when they grow up ;-).

  2. thinks about community college and don't wait too long.

  3. Well I hate to say it but your grades don't really sound like you are collage material maybe you jest didn't apply yourself if that's the case and you have the opportunity to go to collage GO fast and furiously life will be so much easier with an education you will make a lot more money with a degree and have lots of options if you don't go to collage I would highly recommend going to a trade/tech school for something specialized that's the next best thing to a collage education I went to a trade school then took some college it opened up a lot of doors that would have been closed money wont buy happiness but a decent living makes living a lot easier growing up poor I appreciate what I now have but I made it happen no one else so make your path and go and enjoy the journey because in the long run all we can take with us is our memories.

  4. Yes, you should go to college eventually. When you get tired of making tiny wages for hard work, you will realize there is something better out there. An education can get you a secure career doing something you enjoy. Maybe you should just take a year or two to try out different jobs until you figure out what you want to do. A friend of mine said the best job is one you love so much you would do it for free, but you get paid for it. Think of something you love that much and then get an education in that area. Good luck to you!

  5.   finish  your  college and  you'll  get  a  way  better  JOB,

      you'll  be  fine while  working  part time,  should.

  6. Although people with only a high school diploma do succeed financially every day, statistically, most will be lucky to make 1/2 of what a bachelor degree holder will over a life span.   The fact is, a degree will be more valuable to most employers from cashier to CEO.   You will also find it tremendously difficult to move up to anything other then a floor manager without a degree.   Most wealthy people without degrees are either entrepreneurs or entertainers of some sort.  For the general rank and file though, outside of sales jobs, there are few opportunities for high school diploma holders to make a good wage.

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