
Should i go to dublin for new year?

by Guest60817  |  earlier

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Is it worth it? It is £200 for flights and £300 for hotel and it's only for 3 nights.




  1. That seems expensive to me - I'd keep my 500 and get better value here later in the year.

  2. yes you should im from dublin the night life there is great and the clubs are awesome

  3. Dublin is fantastic... but very expensive and sounds like you'll spend a lot for just 3 nights.

    you could go to the states for that.

    if you like the irish feel, go to Boston, Chicago or New York.

    much much cheaper and the dollar is weak at the mo

  4. No, No, No, No.

  5. I don't know about New year, but if you want to go, go the week of St Patty's day. It's an international festival, and there is a huge parade on The day of. It's a grand occasion. I flew in the day of so that my passport stamp would say the was great fun!

  6. for us Dubs the worst part about new year is trying to get home from the city centre, but if your staying in a hotel then go for it, I'm planning to do the same next year, but €746/£500 for 3 nights is excessive, come over for the rugby weekend instead, they're brilliant.  If you book early you should be able to get much cheaper flights

  7. Yes Dublin is a great place for drinkers & no drinkers alike.You will enjoy here.......................

  8. Dublin has a pretty serious rich/poor divide. So I'd suggest going with a lot of money and sampling the high life. Because its a city (and little else) things are going to cost more than a resort.

  9. its great in dublin..

    travel by ferry it will cost you a fraction of the price.

    and the b&b's are cheap,ive left you a list of hotels b&b's on your other question.

  10. Can I come with you?

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