
Should i go to germany?

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its just that whenever i mention germany and how much i love it, my friends start to call me a n**i. i almost feel like a traitor. i might cancel the trip. does america consider germany a friend? how are us-german relations? whenever the word "german" comes out of my mind - its followed by the word n**i. maybe i should cancel the trip and go to hawaii....




  1. s***w taht c**p, im of german descent and imnto a n**i, me and my son went to vist my sister and her family when they lived there in 2004, best time i ever had,  im a historian and yes we did soem "n**i" stuff: went to dachau, zeppelin field and the national socialist museum, also went to lymphen berg, ansbach, albrecht durers house and spent a night in Praha ( Prague).  relations are fien germany is an allie of the US, its a beautiful country, go

  2. I'm in the same situation as you are pal. My family has asked me so many times why I want to visit such a country where people discriminate other races. But what most people don't understand is that german society, is not the same as what it used to be, there has been alot of changes since those years of war. Just look at Berlin, there is so much going on these days. Anyhow GO TO GERMANY AND HAVE A GREAT TIME, LIKE I WILL!

  3. Germany is beautiful and there is so much to see and do.

    Your friends seem to be living in the past and cant pull their heads out of the sand to see the future.

    Us-German relations are on good terms, we have a lot of US military bases over here. I have been living here in Germany for 2 1/2 years, and I wouldn't trade it for the world. The learning experience has been awesome! The children are making wonderful friends and the language gap is minor...many speak English. The older generation don't however the younger do.

    Don't close yourself off....make the trip and make wonderful memories!

    Best wishes

  4. america usually uses to call germany as a friend but to be honest, most germans hate america, it's not a really good place to be for us right now!

  5. Yes, go to germany.I live there and it is a interessting country with many sights.

  6. Definitely go to Germany. Northern Europe is wonderful, beautiful, and in my experience, full of great, friendly people.  I'm sure Hawaaii is great (I've never been, so I can't comment), but you won't regret experiencing a new culture. Aufwiedersehen!

  7. PLEASE GO TO HAWAII! Idiots like you who would even consider such trash are not welcome. If everytime the word "German" comes out of your mind (whatever that means) it is followed by the word n**i, then please keep the idea of traveling to Germany out of your mind.

    Please don't pollute my country with your presence... it's enough that your idiot of a president is in Germany right now ...he'll fill our yearly import quota for American Idiodicy on his own, you don't need to help.

  8. don't listen to your 'friends' if you have an interest in experiencing another culture, and a new country there's no reason you shouldn't. germany is a very interesting country, its been a while since i've been but i'm sure its still just as amazing as it was then. don't give it a second thought, go and have a great time!

  9. Oh please stop with this n**i Stuff,that is gone and over not forgoten but over and our generation wasn`t even born at that time.Just come to our beautiful country and have a nice time and don`t listen to that fullish stuff what people tell you.

  10. Is this a serious question?

    Your "friends" (I am wondering if you really want to use that term for these people) must not be the most intelligent individuals. Did they ever study European history? If so, they should know that the reign of National Socialism ended in May of 1945, in other words, more than 62 years ago.

    Today, in the year 2007, Germany is a modern, open and secular society. Organizations that promote racial violence or revere n**i ideology are not tolerated and prohibited by law. (The KKK would never stand a chance in Germany.)

    I think it would do you good to travel to Germany. BTW, as many previous posters pointed out, Germany has been a firm ally of the United States for many decades.That does not mean that we agree with everything the US does, but a friendship that cannot stand constructive criticism and differences in political opinions does not deserve to be called a friendship.

    If you are truly interested in Germany's history and culture, I would highly recommend that you visit the Web site of the German Embassy in Washington, D.C. :

    They have a wealth of information about German politics, U.S.-German relations, culture, etc. that will be very helpful before you board a plane.

  11. Germany is beautiul and most Germans are very nice before I went I heard they speak english very well. Well they dont speak it to well even in frankfort some can but most cant so I would reccomend bringing a german dictionary. Also alot of restaurants dont have american menues and they have a real hard time undrstanding what you want they only know a couple of words. besides that they are very nice One word of warning though there are turkish here and they hate american and they are dangerous I have heard alot of bad things happining to americans by them so be careful. when you walk by them you will know they just stare at you. we where in a restaurant and the whole time the whole family looked at us it was creepy. but it is beautiful and there id alot to see

  12. germany sucks big time. the people aren't friendly at all. they are actually extremely rude when you try to talk to them and i know it smells bad there. my friend went to germany, and came back home the next day because his trip was so horrible. (he told me all this). hawaii is so much better.

  13. Tell your small-minded friends to bugger off, and go to Germany if you're so inclined.  They need to grow up and get a life...

    BTW, don't remind them that the whole n**i movement was started by an Austrian...

  14. I think your friends are small-minded and biggoted.  I was born in Germany and although I haven't been there since 84, would LOVE to go back.  Germans are NOT n***s anymore ... as a matter of fact, if you look at the Neo-n**i movement, most of those idiots are Americans.  =P  As to the comment of Germans being prejudiced against other races?  Are you insane or just stupid?  A LOT of Germans marry outside of their country and race.   Oh, and the smell?  Ummm, Germans are CLEAN FREAKS ... so that is just a bunch of hogwash.  

    If you want to go to Germany .... go.  If you don't ... don't.  But I don't regret for one instant all the memories I have from over there.  I think the countryside is beautiful, the people are friendly and funny, and the culture is very interesting.  It was absolutely neat to see ancient Roman aquaducts running along side villages and towns.  The castles and mineral spas were amazing.  

    Your friends are probably jealous ... not everyone gets an opportunity like this.

  15. go to germany. They don't even utter or think of the word n**i anymore, that's a dark part of their history, you will see no remnents of it when you go there. Enjoy Germany, it's actually one of the places outside of the US that's most similar to the US, although they obviously speak no english.

  16. Don't cancel the trip!!!  Go to Germany, see a different country!  I did, and I had a flippin' blast there.  Don't let your friends stop you from going... perhaps they are jealous that you want to get out and see some place different, while they are stuck at home!!

    I didn't have any problems there in Germany, people were actually very nice to me when I'd try to speak German... didn't work too well, but they corrected me and even taught me some phrases to use when I'm in a bar, "Schulz!", or in other places!  

    But most everyone I met spoke English.  Except for some of the older people, they didn't speak English but it was fun talking to them and using "international sign language."  Eat, drink... so on so forth.

    I strongly suggest going... the country is beautiful.  Very scenic with all the old buildings, towns, ruins, castles.  It was awesome seeing some of the old Roman towns under parking garages and other places.  The country is very, very old and has tons of history.  There is a lot more history to Germany than  the "n**i era."

    So go and have a great time!!

  17. Were not fighting so sure were on ok terms. Ignore ur friends Germany is a culture rich in history. European society is very accepting and open minded compared to american. My fiance is German. In fact he is back in Germany now. So naturally I think well of it, but go check it out. Experience something new. Where in Germany are you going?

    btw its the simple minded ppl who call u a n**i. n***s do exist yet there, but they r few and far in between. just b careful and ull be fine. Its no more dangerous than travelling in the us

    have fun!!

  18. Ok i live in Germany right  now with my husband on an army base.  Seriously Germany is a good place to visut my mom was just out here last month and she keeps talking about when she is coming back. And YES you do run in to rude people but have you ever been out side your house in the US? People are SOO rude there. And its not like every person you talk to will be rude. I love it here and  I know im going to miss it when i get back to the states. Its just hard with the language difference but its reallly a nice place to visit for a while. The people here are really nice and there are always markets going on down town maybe its just where i live.and for the person who said that germany smells bad you must have been smelling your butt. Germany is such enviormental FREAKS its not even funny. they recycle everything from card board to diapers. Its crazy. when i first got here my mom said what do you think. all i could say was they air is soo much cleaner.

  19. You shouldn't care a sh*t about other people calling you n**i. I wouldn't actually consider them friends. You are trying to broaden your mind, ehat your so-called friends should rather do. If I speak about America, no one calls me a Iraq invader or such. You shouldn't bother.

    Come to Germany, enjoy the beautiful country and the great people and forget about your friends.

    German-American relations are quite good, your friends should inform themselves. And yes, we are a "friend" to America...

    Most Germans speak English and if they find out you speak it too, they want to try their English skills out on you... :)

  20. I am German and have not understood everything.

    Do your American compatriots say that you are a n**i?

    This says nobody here in Germany.

    You are welcome to come and are cordially welcome in Germany.

    The n**i periods are past for more than 60 years.

  21. DON"T  listen to your friends. they are so immature, and WW2 has BEEN over for 60 years. tell them to s***w themselves, n***s are over and germany is a new country. i think its just stupid for them to say that, and its offensive in a way, b/c majority of german ppl werent n**i even, only a few and yet they killed some germans who HELPED the jews. i'd say dump your friends and make new ones in germany.your friends are soooooooo immature and WRONGGG. germany is so over that and doesn't need to be reminded of that part in history, even though the citizens themselves weren't the cause hitler was just blaming innocent ppl.

    edit- oh yeah and they do speak english over there... they teach their kids english at like 3rd grade, and if you at least attemp or say 'Sprechen Sie englisch?' or 'Ich spreche deutsch nicht.' they will understand and be glad to help you.=]

  22. Congratulations to you on being interested in foreign countries! I am sorry for being a little mean, but it always annoys me when Germans are being called "n***s". Yes, Germany's history is not all glorious, but whose country's history is? To many Europeans the US war against Iraq is a mistake too - not that I want to compare both. Or how about the treatment of native Americans?

    Watching international news shows more frequently would help your friends to learn that there is more on earth than the US! I once had a student in Houston, Texas, who was convinced that Martin Luther, founder of protestantism in the 16th century was identical with Martin Luther King shot in 1968/69 (?). Any questions?  

    Anyhow, many Americans have German ancestors and there is much to see and experience: Nice castles (Heidelberg, Neu-Schwanstein), different architecture (historical and present), good food and many Germans understand enough English to help you in case you have a question. Besides that to go to Europe would give you an impression about the many different cultures and languages spoken on a continent smaller or the same size as the US. That makes Europe such an interesting place to visit.  

    Go ahead and enjoy your trip!

  23. You should definitely go to Germany.

    Most people here like foreign tourists and try to help them if they have questions. They won't talk to you, when they see you on the street, but when you ask them, they'll try all to help you!!

    There are many pretty places like "Brandenburger Tor" in Berlin, "Frauenkirche" in Dresden, city centre of Leipzig, "Dom" in Cologne and much more.

    Most younger people also speak good English, because they learn it at school for at least 4 years. I'm learning English since 1998, so for almost 9 years.

    Some older people may not understand you, so it would be helpful to print out some simple German sentences like "Where is XX?" (Wo ist XX?) to ask them in German.

    When you try to talk to them in German, they feel good, because they are thinking, you are learning German. (German people says that German is a very difficult language for foreigners, so they'll be happy when you try to use it).

    Go and visit our beautiful country!

    Hope this answer is helpful, and sorry for my bad English skills.

  24. Your friends are uneducated idiots.  Germany is one of the most tolerant nations in the world-- for example, same s*x marriage is legal there, and has been for a while.  Furthermore, virtually anything related to n**i culture is illegal by law.

    The US and Germany are allies, and have been for a long time.  There are multiple US military bases there, and it's not that uncommon to run across American servicemen & women.

    There is so much more to Germany & its history than the Third Reich, but unfortunately, that's not taught in US schools.  I know how you feel-- my entire family came from Germany-- one side after WWI, and the other after WWII.  I'm proud of my German heritage-- even if merely bringing up the fact my family was German was enough to get called a n**i when I was in school.

    Go to Germany. Be different, and visit an amazing, beautiful place.

  25. Ja, Deutschland ist wunderbar!

    (Yes, Germany is wonderful!)

    What will they say about someone who even knows the language?  ...because I don't want to know.  Your friends are small-minded.  Germany is a very successful country and is doing very well economically.  

    American relations with Germany are great; a lot of the things in your home and your friends home were probably made by German-owned corporations or perhaps even made in Germany.  There are a lot of German companies that have offices in America, and vice-versa.  

    Also, I've read that over 25% of the American population can claim German ancestry.  Chances are that at least some of your friends are German; look at your friends last names.  Some of them may even have a German last name.  

    I've heard that a good portion of the general American population wanted to side with Germany during World War II because they didn't want to fight their own relatives.  I don't mean to say that the German genocide was appropriate because it never is, but you should know that Americans and Germans have a very interwined history.  

    Don't let your friends decide what you should like, and best of luck!

  26. Americans don't view Germans in a bad way. Please stop lying. I like Germany and would gladly visit. You tell us if we should visit Germany since that is where you live, Adamska.

  27. Oh my gosh! Yes tell your friends to kiss off. I went there twice. Each time I couldn't leave and I ended up staying 6 months each. It is so awesomely wonderful and beautiful. So many castles to tour and so much to see and do. I didn't speak German when I went there so I learned a saying:

    Ich bien blond bitte sprechen sie langsam!

    Translation: I am blonde please speak slowly.

    The people would laugh and it really would break the ice. Do go you won't regret it!!

    I promise you won't see or become a n**i!! Have a great trip!!

  28. i have been to Germany twice both times with the military but still Germany is very nice country to visit if you do go i would highly recommend trying to get to see some of the castles, they have some that are really cool in fact the castle that Walt Disney used is actually based on one in Germany i cant remember the name or where it is right now. as far as i know the German American relations are very good, the last time i was there was 2002. as for your friends bringing up n***s that was almost 70 years ago i think it is time to get a clue. the German people don't really talk about ww2 that much because they are actually ashamed of what Hitler did so it would be best not to bring it up unless you go to the Auschwitz concentration camp they actually have tours of it. i suppose it is there way of making sure that something like that doesn't happen and also because although tragic it is a part of their history. if you enjoy good beer that is another reason to go pretty much every town has their own brand some are good some are bad. but over all i would say go to Germany and have a blast.

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