
Should i go to self harm counseling?

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Hey i have a long running problem with self harm (for about 8 years or so and i'm only 16) its not very dangerous as its not very deep but it always bleeds or bruises. The need occurs on about a monthly basis. i have a girlfriend who has a bigger problem with it than me but we are sort of healing each other with the injuries becoming less and less. She goes to an outside youth organization for therapy (she was referred by school and the local hospital after a suicide attempt). I want to stop cutting once and for all. So i think i wanna get help. My school offers a counseling service but would they tell my parents(who have no idea)? or do you think its better to rely on an outside help? i have free periods so i could go to in-school during them. will the nhs therapy need referrals? also i think that could be tricky because of being able to get out of the house. I also don't really want to talk to my teachers ( i had to lie about stopping and only doing it once as the alarm had been raised) but would need to go through them for the in school. So just suggestions please as it cant go on like this?




  1. You already got some good answers, but I would like to add that until you are 18, the school counselors CAN tell your parents if you are harming yourself.  Confidentiality doesn't apply until you're 18.

  2. Does it really make any difference if your parents know about this problem, so long as it stops? This can be very serious. Get the help any way you can, climb a d**n mountain if you have to. I don't know about your parents but most folks would lend support in any way they can. Secrets aren't necessarily a good thing when others are in a position to help.

    You deserve a pat on the back for recognizing that your self harm is not a good thing and wanting to stop. Some people don't seek help and they suffer for it.

    Good luck. =)

  3. Your school councellors should NOT give out any confidential information to anyone. The only exception is if you are harming yourself , or you are thinking about suicide.  They legally have to report that.  You need councelling so why not go with your with your girlfriend.  There is a reason you are "cutting" and they should help you with this. You must be totally honest with them if you want their help or nothing will change, best of luck to both of you, I think you are very brave to acknowledge your problem and are seeking help to deal with it, God bless, Donna

  4. NO they would not tell your parents because everything you tell them is confidential.  You need to tell them because you don't deserve to be self-harming you deserve better then that.  Your girlfriend also seems to influencing you on the bad things.  And it is great that you want to change and yes you need therapy.  Ask your school counselor for refrences to good outside of school counselors.  You are gonna have to eventually tell your parents how will they react? You are already making steps to change good luck.

  5. Please go to the school counselor for help.  If nothing else you can ask them what they do and do not have to report to your parents before you tell them what your problem is.  I have what is known as Dermotillomania, which is related to your problem, since I was a kid (way more than 8 years ago) and it was very difficult for me to admit to anyone that I had it.  I didn't tell anyone until about two years ago and then only because my son had Tricotillomania, a condition which caused him to pull out his own hair and which is also related.  Knowing how much it bothered him motivated me to tell because I wanted him to know that he was not alone.  Maybe telling your parents wouldn't be the worst thing in the world.  They could help you get counseling.

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