
Should i go to the ER?

by  |  earlier

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I wrecked my motorcycle yesterday and hit and then flipped over the handle-bars and got a lot of bruises and a few cuts and scrapes, but my main problem is that my chest hurts really bad. I wrote it off all day as just a bruise, but there is a bright red discoloration where the sternum is and an extremely sharp pain when i breathe, move, cough, lay down or do ANYTHING! Its too late to go to a normal doctor, and i dont know if i could/should sleep with this injury.. should i go to the ER? HELP!




  1. Yes! Go to the ER. Ignored chest pain is a BAD thing.!!

  2. Yes. It could be a break or it could be some manner of internal injury. If your suffering that much really really should leave now. Have someone drive you.

    Best wishes!

  3. YES GO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  my son who has a brittle bone disease...flipped off his bike the first time he even got on it this year and broke his foot in 2 places...he's lucky he didn't kill himself as bad as his disease is...Don't take a chance with an internal injury hun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. yes you should because if it hurts when you breath you could have some serious problems when you sleep. go now to the emergency room

  5. yes, most likely unfortunatly you have a broken rib

  6. Yes, go to the ER it could be broken ribs or you could've broken your xyphoid process (the little bone at the end of the sternum) and it could lodge into your lungs if it's been broken off, so you shouldn't dilly dally about it, just get in.
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