
Should i go to the commercial audition tomorrow?

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so i recieved an invitation today to go to an audition for commercials and tv shows. i recieved it pretty randomly, a lady just went up to me and my family,asked my age and handed us an invitation for auditions.

to me it was out of the blue since we were just shopping at the mall.


so my question is,should i go to the audition?

i have absolutly NO experience

i get nervous easily.

im worried about sounding fake

and i don't want to make a complete fool of myself

i keep on changing my mind about going

should I or should i not?

my sister keeps on telling me to go because "It's a once in a lifetime opportunity."blahblahblah

so if i should go whats your tips?

thanks in advance.




  1. I think you should go i mean if your nervous just act like you're in a play or something it really helps  

  2. Yep, you should go.  Who knows, you could end up being the next....uh...what's that girls name?  Hanna Lynn Spears?

  3. If it sounds like fun, then go!  If it doesn't, then don't.

    My six-year-old daughter and I were approached in the grocery store today about what might be the same audition (in San Mateo?)  Anyway, the peppy gal explained it and, with a big smile, asked my daughter: "Does it sound like fun??"  My daughter, deadpan, responded: "No."

    So we will not be going to the audition tomorrow.  It's not her thing, I guess.  Yes, I'll admit that for a moment a bit of stage mom crept my way and I wanted her to want to do it.  But the reality is, I think that they are probably looking for people who are really enthusiastic and who can be comfortable on camera.  My daughter, at the tender age of six, knows that it's not for her, which I admire.

    If you can get over your nerves then you may have a shot.  But if you obsess over feeling nervous, having no experience, etc. then it will come through, you'll get rejected, and you'll feel worse than before you went.

    Regardless, that's great that they invited you!

  4. I think you should go. If there is some kind of catch like you have to pay all this money and join a casting agency just to audition get the h**l out of there. Unless your serious about an acting career.

  5. Yay. I live in CA. Isn't Walnut Creek in the Bay Area? Because I want to audition for something but I live in El Dorado Hills,CA. Which is near Sacramento.

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