
Should i go to the desert after a devastating death?

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one of my really good frinds just died out in glamis (he got hit by a buggie it was just an accident 50/50)and im nervous to go riding now.

im very bittersweet i love riding but im afrid and sadd.

should i get back on the motocycle?

should i go to the desert?

what should i do?




  1. Go, It will be O.K...... People get killed on public streets all the time but that does not stop you from driving, People get killed in cars all the time but that does not stop you from getting in one. People get killed in planes but that does not stop you from flying.......Do you see where i'm going with this?

  2. Sorry! about your lost ! May God comfort your soul !!

    maybe now is too soon after the death of your friend?

    as one said that when the time is right you'll be stronger and know in your heart & mind when to return to this.

    Don't let anyone push you into it before you are ready!

    God bless & take care&prayers

  3. Hmm...

    No one on here can really help you, only give advice, you would need to ask someone else close to you, it would help you better.

    Give it some time, that's what I did and it worked.

    You'll be thinking about the death all the time but don't worry it's normal.

    Do some fun things that cheer you up and soon you can get back on a motorcycle.

    I don't understand the question about going to the desert though o_O......

    Laughter and passing the time right now is the best medicine for you.

    Hope this helps

  4. Just pray a prey and ask God to help you. When the time is right you would be able to do it again.

  5. Well, we really can't tell you what to do. If we say to go, you might say, "But I'm too scared!" and not go. And if we say not to go, you might say, "But I have to conquer my fear sometime!"    So in your gut you know what you want. Just do whatever you feel comfortable doing.

  6. You must be be so upset.

    You are first asking should you keep riding, then in your next question, asking how to break in a new pair of boot.


  7. this tragic thing happens when there is aany kind of alcohol and riding mixes. I would stay away from high populated riding areas like Glamis and Dumont on holiday weekends. People tend to drink way too much, then think they are Travia Pastrana out when riding. this is where deaths happen.

    I would advise you to go out and ride, but ride in less populated areas......

  8. If you live your life as though your friend is closer to your inner thoughts he may dwell in the place you allow for him in your soul.His thoughts may help or hinder you.Just leave room for the good.and good will become of it.

  9. maybe you all need some common rules between use so more people dont get injured but more people die in cars on public streets on you still drive on them  and the greif of your freinds death would but so trumatic overcome your fear

    but be carefull

  10. if you friend loved riding then go riding for him or her. If you cant focus then you shouldnt ride.

  11. I heard about that I'm sorry for your lost. I live near Glamis aswell no joke. This is up to you. If you love doing it and enjoy it then don't stop doing what you love to do. Just becareful that when you ride you follow all the rules, and always look for other oncoming trafie (ie trains and so forth)

  12. No should'nt. ok

    Hope that helped.

  13. don't go to the desert

    people would feel sad that you left

    then who nows what they would do

    don't stop doing what you like, now it may be devastating but

    you should keep doing what your best at

    if you need any more answers I would love to help

  14. i think after you mourned the death of your friend you should go riding.  Im sure your friend would have respected that.  You cant live your life in fear.  If you really love cycling i think you should do it. But not now

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