
Should i go to the people to people student ambassador program?

by  |  earlier

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okay so i got a people to people student ambassador letter today and they want me to go to Italy, France, Switzerland and Austria to study different cultures. there is an informational meeting in october and i dont no if i should go or not. i hinted around to my mom about going and she pretty much told me that im not going, but i could probably talk her into it. in the letter it says that there are only like 30 students selected in the whole region. so does this mean im special or something?? so what i wanted to no is has anybody else heard of this program? and is it worth going to?




  1. I got the letter too. It sounded really cool, and I always wanted to go and see those countries. But, my parents won't let me go since I am only 13. They would be able to cover the expenses of about 5,000 dollars. I am hoping to get a letter when I am in high school, because then I might be able to go.

    You could always just go to the meeting (with your mom if she was willing to go) and pick up the information bring it home to your mom (if she didn't go to the meeting) and look at it with her. Say that you think it would be a great opportunity. Offer to help pay for the trip. Do extra chores around the house. I this sounds like something you really want to do, make it happen.  

  2. OMG ME TOO!! I am aether going to England, France, Belgium or the Netherlands. It's only for 2 week's and it costs no money. My meeting is September 10Th. It's allot of fun your mom should at least go to the meting they have kid's who went last year and you can get picked more than once to do this.

  3. It will be an interesting trip, but basically, it's a tour that's dressed up as an "educational" experience.  People to People's parent organization isn't a non-profit organization, and the average cost of a trip is around $5,000.  Don't fall for the phoney, "You're a wonderful kid, and you were nominated" letter, either -- the organization is infamous for sending the same letter to children who have been dead for more than 10 years:



    You'd probably enjoy the trip, but there's a lot cheaper ways to get a tour to Europe or Africa . . .  :-)    

  4. No, I haven't.


  5. Ihave been invited every year to this program. I havent done this program because I usually pick one of the 15 other letters that have come in the mail. My best friend did this trip though and she absolutely loved it. Go to the meeting, that doesnt cost any money, and then you can decide from there

  6. I just got the letter yesterday but im going to china idk if i should go tho

  7. I've done it. It's pretty cool, but it is expesive

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