
Should i go to the police?

by  |  earlier

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ok so I got a phonecall by someone saying they are from the marines and talked to me about joining. It sounded like every other phonecall by marine and military people. but then he asked me about college and that the marines has a music program and after that i said i was interested, but he insisted that it was a good idea to get involved. then he asked for my personal info but already knew it, he said do you still live at ...and asked my age and height and asked if i had tattoos? i was getting very confused. then he said if i was available for a meeting and i said ok, i mean i wasnt going to show up anyway but they guy was so annoying i just said ok, so he said tommarow at 4. BUT then he said ok i will PICK YOU UP at 4 and we can so and ill show you and talk to you about the marines. and i didnt even have time to say anything and he said bye and hung up. This sounds very fishy and i want to call the cops but dont know if i should or if i should just not be home at 4 tommarow. help??




  1. You can also call your local recruiting office and confirm the appointment.  My daughter had a similar thing happen to her, because the miltary can get your information from the schools without your consent.

  2. Any branch of the military will request you to come to their recruitment office.  They typically do not have time to devote to individuals the way you describe.

    Have you filled out any forms requesting information from the US Marine Corps?  If you have, then this may be legit.  But I would call your local recruitment office ASAP and ask them about the person calling.  I will assume the person gave you their Name, Rank and Contact Info.  If they did not give you any of that, it is bogus.  

    It is probably not necessary to call the police.  But I would not suggest answering the door to a stranger.

  3. From what I understand, military recruiting can be a high-pressure sales job.  I don't think it is unusual for them to pick you up, either.  To find your local recruiters office to find out if this guy is legit, I would google marine corps recruiting along with your city and state and the address and phone number should come up.  So, if you lived in NY, NY:

    marine corps recruiting New York, NY

    I looked at their official website and it does not have an easy way to locate a recruiter, just a webform to fill out if you are interested.

    BTW, they do actually have an amazing band!

  4. If he doesn't show-up in uniform, with shaved head and buff body, driving a car with a government plate, then he's not a Marine.

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