
Should i go with him or not?

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those were my last two questions ( you have to read them to understand my question)

my boyfriend wants me to go to cedar point with him and his family

i figure since his parents will be their he wont try you think i should go?




  1. try it but go slow

  2. No, i think you should stay away from him.

  3. Even though his parents are going I wouldn't go..You never know his parents might go somewhere and he'll try to do other things probably while there gone.

  4. Hey, tanx for asking such dumn questions????

  5. In your past question you are wondering if you should break up with him or not so why would you even consider going on this trip and putting yourself in what could be a bad situation.  I'd stay home and be safe.

  6. no break up with him

  7. well if his parents are gong to be there and he is a 15 year old boy he will not do anything with them there.

    if he tries to get you alone then he probably wants you to do something with him.

    with the other 2 questions i think you should sit down and have a talk with him about how far you are willing to go and what makes you uncomfortable.

    what kids do for "fun" at 13 and 15 are very different so he might not even realize that

  8. well i would say go, have a good time and see what happens, you might have a really good time and it will bring you both closer togther, its worth a shot, gd luck x*x:D  

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