
Should i go with what I feel

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I like my mechanic and I honestly think he likes me as well. He is also so sweet to me and even though I am legal -30 he is way older -60?

Some of my friends say I should ask him out for coffee- which I plan to do in time.

My sister is very cynical and thinks there is no way we would work.

But she doesn't see what I see when I look at him or feel what i feel when I'm around him, yet her words/attitude is getting into my head!

Do you think I should just listen to her and put him out of my mind

or should I go with what I feel?




  1. Try it out.  Cant fight the heart.

  2. well your adult so do as you feel .. however don't look at it blindly .. look ar every angle and see things down the road.  you have to take in to concetaration all factors and how it will affect you.. if it gets  serious do you want kids ,. does he?  stuff like that .. having a gap in ages, beliefs, can cause problems .. just think before you enter into anything beyond  friendship. otherwise it could be trouble....

  3. I would be more worried about it working than not working.  He's 40 years PAST his prime and you are 15 years short of yours.  If he lives long enough you will be with a man who hasn't seen the point of his willy in nigh on I don't know how many years which will cause years of frustration and anxiety for you.  Just remember, be careful of what you wish for, you might get it.

  4. tell your sister if she isnt the one dating him besides its just going out for coffee its not like your going to marry him tomorrow (not saying you wont just not now) but tell your sister to mind her own business if you like him go for it  

  5. Ok he is sixty and to make it worse your mechanic! I would keep looking for that special one cause i don't think he is the one 4 u:)

  6. Definitely go with your feelings.  Tell you sister that she should get her own life in order before she tries to fix yours.

  7. I think you should go with what you feel! Ask your sister to butt out!!! It is not her life, it is YOURS! Good luck!

  8. Swing for the fences my dear.

  9. i would go with ur feelings age does not matter  

  10. Go for it! If you feel there is an attraction between the two of you. Some women are attracted to much older men. Tell your sis to mind her business.

  11. You should do what you like.

    However, maybe you would be happier with someone younger. That person is 30 years older than you, it's too much.

    You should consider the age difference, when you're 60, if he still lives to that time, he will be 90 years old.

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