
Should i have a kid???

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i am almost 16 and my boyfriend is aready talking about havin a kid with me and i really dont know what to do. i dont want one right now and i dont think i need one. i am in high school i dont need one.

but what should i do???




  1. Tell your bf you do want one but SOMEDAY. Believe me, I'm 30 and nothing could prepare me for how difficult it is. There's no way you guys are ready.

  2. nonono if you dont want too.

    tell him someday just not now your not ready.

  3. I had one at 26 and I still feel like I had one too soon. Believe me babe, It is really hard to provide for a baby at your age. I dont even mean just financially... I also mean spiritually and emotionally as well.

    You dont know who you are until you hit your mid to late 20's. Trust me... EVERYBODY in their 20's will tell you that!!!

  4. tell him no - if he can't take no for an answer, he's not a man you want around.

  5. you should wait until you feel ready, you are not even 16 yet!! just asking this question show you are not mature enough to be having children!!

    just wait and enjoy your teenage years. i (who had a baby at 17) know that its not for not let this guy talk you into having a baby...your not ready

  6. First tell your boyfriend that you have bigger dreams in life than becoming a teenage mother.  That is not something you should PLAN on doing.  You have so much you should try to accomplish first, like maybe high school!  Then tell your boyfriend that he is an idiot and that you are moving on to somebody with more common sense!  You have a long time to have kids, enjoy it!  Dump his butt now, cause he sounds like a loser!

  7. You obviously know the answer to this right now because you are asking strangers for opinions.  You know that the people on here will tell you not to.  Be reasonable and don't let your botfriend pressure you into something that you know is not right at this time in your life.

  8. Hey there. I am 22 years old and have already finished highschool and am in my last year of college. The decision to have a child was an enormous one and things did not work out the way as planned. The baby's father and I are no longer together and I have been independently been left to prepare for this baby.

    It has been very expensive, as I do want the baby to have everything he/she needs, as well as money to support me after I give birth. Spending money to buy new clothes was a lot. Missing class and not being able to work was A LOT! Morning sickness does not just happen in the morning. It happens all day.

    Being as young as you, you will realize five years from now how much you have changed. I am not the same person I was six months ago when I found out I was pregnant. Dealing with the emotions and financial part of having a baby is an enormous responsilbility, no other possible way to say it. I am sure you want the best for your baby and just because its what your boyfriend wants, doesn't mean you need to please him or fulfill his wishes so he can stay with you.

    If you have the baby, you will have responsibility for the rest of your life. I am sure that being 16, you do not have a full time job or a checking account that would support you throughout your pregnancy. Those things need to be taken into account. Also, this guy is just one guy. There are sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo... many more out there who will be responsible and not put a situation like this on your parents or his parents, because of your age or his age. So rethink it and look at the questions I have posted to see what I know about babies  and pregnancy... its been a long way coming. Hope I helped.

  9. tell your bf that right now is not a reality for either of you, and that you want to finish school and have a good education so that you can get a good job to take care of a child.

    your young, and you might not even be with this guy forever.

    tell him that you want to better yourself first.

    having kids is alot of work , i had my first when i was 17 and i just finished school, and i am 24, and have 3 now.

    its nice to talk about it, and make up names and stuff, but when it comes to really doing it it would wait for sure.

  10. tell him you would LOVE to have his kids, but only once you have a good and stable job, and so does he. bring in the expenses of having a child. they're about $10,000 a year [if you have a boy].. so unless you have a few grands just laying around, it shouldnt even be an option. tell him that you definitely want his kids, just when you're ready

  11. don't have one, end of story.  Why would you?  If you're thinking about it because you don't want to lose him.  He's not much of a boyfriend if he'd leave you because he wants a baby by a 16 year old

  12. Girl, you should definitely wait! You said yourself you don't think you need one! You're 16 so you're probably going to be what, a junior this fall? You still have 2 years left in school!

    Sorry to say this, but he may just be talking about having a baby with you to make you think how much he loves you so you'll sleep/keep sleeping with him. Don't do it girl. You will have plenty of time to have kids After you enjoy your teenage years and early 20's.

    How does he plan to support this child? Kids are very expensive. Be selfish for a while and do what you want, not have to focus all of your time on a baby.

  13. You have many years left to have kids, so please wait. Finish school first, as that will help prepare you for much that life will send your way.

    If ur BF really loves you, then he will wait until the time is right. If he pushes you to do something you aren't ready for, then he is not the right one for you, trust me!

    There is so much out there to do, to see, to learn, and to be, and if you have a child now, before you're ready and before you're absolutely sure you want to, you will cut off many of those possibilities in life.

    Take your time to grow into who you will become first, then you will have more to share with a child. If you have to ask if you should, then the answer is no (at least not yet). Wait until you are sure that's what you want. Once you have one, there's no going back.

  14. <SMALL> <CENTER>

    look its about u. i know u love ur boyfriend, cause i love

    mine, im 15, when i turn 21 i wanted him 2 ask me, but

    he might not b ready, so i have 2 wait, and just b suprised.

    dont do it, cause u might not b able 2 support u and ur family financially, ask him is he sure. (is he going 2 have the money, a good job, is he going 2 buy an apartment or house 4 u and him and the baby, y does he want 1 so young?) ask him this and maybe he will reconsider.

    tell him he has 2 respect ur decision, cause ur the 1 having the kid, not him.... ur too young, unless u have everything all together.

    an make sure he's willing 2 stay with u through ur pregnancy, cause if he leaves, ur stuck with the baby. dont do it. ur not ready. how old is he? e-mail me k?

    good luck.
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