
Should i have a protein bar after boxing?

by  |  earlier

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if i hit the heavy bag, speed bag, jump rope, and shadowbox for about an hour, should i have a protein bar afterwards?




  1. And some juice or other fluids with carbs.

  2. That or a protein shake. But don't neglect the carbs from fruits and vegetables. After my workouts, I usually have a shake, with a bannana. The potasium helps out with muscle cramps. Something I get all the time, now that I'm getting older.

  3. for shere

  4. First off that is a great work out brother. I would suggest that you drink a whey protein shake or a beverage that promotes muscle recovery. I have shadow boxed in a sauna before and wished I would have taken something for recovery instead of solid food. You need liquid to hydrate.

  5. no. you should eat a full meal with protein such as chicken or beef and lots of vegetables. protein bars are ok but a big well balanced meal will always be much better for you.

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