
Should i have another wedding?

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Well my husband and i got married when we were 18 only we were there because are parents did not approve. So we are thinking about having another wedding. Either before i have the triplets or when they turn 3. When should i get married? Before or after?

p.s. I did not buy a dress and my hubby did not wear a tux! that's another reason why i want to have another wedding!




  1. Yes

  2. Renew you vows at a significant anniversary. Invite everyone just like it was a wedding. Wear the most beautiful dress you can find and live your fantasy.

  3. It's not going to be a wedding, it's going to be a vow renewal, and you can have it whenever you feel is a good time for both of you. You could plan it around your anniversary.

  4. I think you should have a nice reception, baby welcoming ceremony to celebrate your growing family!

  5. Seems kind of a moot point, but it's your money and your photo album.

  6. You have already got married thats all that sud matter! If you going to have children you should concentrate on them and maybe keeping the money for when you have them. Children are a huge responsiblity!

    on the other hand..

    If ure rich and got money to spare do it before you have children!!

  7. Why don't you save the money for your THREE dependents coming along?

    Sheesh, how foolish can you be?

  8. I think you should do it before the kids! If you have enough money saved for the 3 babies, than do it! If you know you two will struggle with the money for the wedding than it is best to wait it out a while longer. Good luck!

  9. why bother with the whole thing now, just get some nice clothes (a dress and a tux if need be) and have your vows renewed on some remote beach! that would be awesome!

  10. It isn't a wedding.  You can have a renewal of your vows, but not a wedding.  And if you're pregnant, you're going to look silly AND extremely fat in a poufy white dress.

    You're married.  End of story.  Wait for a significant anniversary - say, your 15th or 20th or 25th and renew your vows.  It will mean a lot more.

    The point of a wedding isn't the dress and the party.  It's the commitment.  A renewal ceremony isn't about the dress and the party, either.  

  11. I think its dumb to get remarried you know your married already the first time should be memorible! Its the one that counts!  

  12. When the children turn 3. Then have a very simple but elegant wedding with your gown and his tux.   And the children can be in it.  

    Plus it will give you time to save. Weddings aren't cheap.  

    Congratulations, and best of luck on the birth of your babies.    

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